tcl channel i/o

Input and Output
open - Open a file-based or command pipeline channel
open fileName ;#以只读方式打开文件
open fileName access ;#以指定access方式打开文件,access可以是r,r+,w,w+,a,a+分别表示读写追加,+代表可同时读写,跟w和a在一起时,如果文件不存在就创建。多跟个b,代表读取二进制数。缺省权限是0666;另外access还有第二种标准 POSIX 含义的表达,RDONLY  WRONLY  RDWR  APPEND  BINARY  CREAT EXCL NOCTTY NONBLOCK TRUNC 文件系统权限可参考
open fileName access permissions ;#可以给新创建的文件赋予权限,0666为缺省值。权限值参考 下表
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
File User Permissions Group Permissions Other Permissions
Type Read Write Execute Read Write Execute Read Write Execute
d r w e r w e r w e
二进制文件( binary file)计算机中保存的文件要按照一定格式,譬如gif文件,bmp文件,word文件等等,都叫做formatted text,这些文件是对某些内容的格式化,需要借助其他程序开能读懂其中内容,还有一类文件,只包含内容,不包含格式,叫做plain text,通常plain text文件使用ASCII或者ISO/IEC 646 或者EBCDIC进行编码,现在 Unicode逐渐替代了老的ASCII编码。

 下面的代码新建一个二进制文件,并在其中写入十六进制的ff 和 fe


set fid [open test.txt w+b]

fconfigure $fid -encoding binary

puts -nonewline $fid \xfe\xfe

close $fid

set fid [open test.txt r+b]

fconfigure $fid -encoding binary

set value [gets $fid]

binary scan $value B8 _value;#按照从高到低的顺序读入8个bit,转换为2进制字符串;此时_value的值是11111110

binary scan $value H2 _value;#按照从高到低的顺序读入2个byte,转换为216进制字符串;此时_value的值是fe

binary format H2 42;#H2说明后面42是2个字节的16进制,顺序从高到低;42的10进制是66,对应ASCII是B,所以上面命令返回B

binary format H4 4242;#返回BB

同样一串二进制代码,编码方式的不同代表不同的含义,上面提到ASCII或者 Unicode就是编码方式
encoding names命令返回Tcl所知道的所有编码方式,
encoding dirs 返回当前编码文件的目录
encoding system 返回当前系统的编码方式
set fid [open COM1 w+];
fconfigure $fid -mode 115200,n,8,1 -buffering none -blocking 0 -encoding binary -translation {binary binary} -handshake none;
puts -nonewline $fid "SPEED1[binary format c 0x0A]SPEED2"
set wait 50
while {$wait} {
after 100
catch {append input [read $fid];puts $input}
if {[regexp SPEED $input]} break;
incr wait -1
socket - Open a TCP network connection ;参考Socket编程知识
close - Close an open channel

chan - Read, write and manipulate channels
fconfigure - Set and get options on a channel

eof - Check for end of file condition on channel

fblocked - Test whether the last input operation exhausted all available input

fcopy - Copy data from one channel to another
file - Manipulate file names and attributes
fileevent - Execute a script when a channel becomes readable or writable
flush - Flush buffered output for a channel
gets - Read a line from a channel
read - Read from a channel
puts - Write to a channel

refchan - Command handler API of reflected channels, version 1
seek - Change the access position for an open channel
tell - Return current access position for an open channel

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