LunarG SDK 下载地址:https://vulkan.lunarg.com/app/download(推荐,有英文手册)
百度云地址:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mgYyo6O (可能失效,版本:
Win 7以上(64位)(32位也支持,不过是Alpha form)
version (version根据版本不同,这里是1.0.3)
1.选择"新建":"变量名":VK_SDK_PATH ,变量值为安装路径,例如默认:
Directory | Description |
Bin | 64-bit Release build of executables and loader, layer, and tools libraries. NOTE: This folder is not present on 32-bit Windows installs |
Bin32 | 32-bit Release build of executables and loader, layer, and tools libraries |
Config | Sample layer settings file |
Demos | Source and MS Visual Studio project files for the cube, tri, and vulkaninfo programs |
Doc | Release Notes, Getting Starting Guide, and other documentation |
glslang | Source and header files for glslang, used by the programs in Samples |
Include | Header files required to compile your Vulkan applications |
RunTimeInstaller | The Vulkan Run Time Installer; this installer can be included by a Vulkan Application or Driver Installer to install the Vulkan Run Time libraries during an application/driver install, see the README.txt file for more information. |
Samples | A collection of Vulkan C++ samples |
Source\layers | Source code for the debug layers libraries; enables source level debugging of layers |
Source\lib | 64-bit Pre-built debug libraries for selected Vulkan components; used by Demos Debug build. NOTE: This folder is not present on 32-bit Windows installs |
Source\lib32 | 32-bit Pre-built debug libraries for selected Vulkan components; used by Demos Debug build |
Source\loader | Source code for the debug loader library (vulkan-1.dll); enables source level debugging of the loader |
spirv-tools | Source and header files for spirv-tools, used by the programs in Samples |
Instance Extensions count = 2
DEBUG_REPORT : extension revision 1
VK_EXT_KHR_swapchain : extension revision 17
Instance Layers count = 11
VK_LAYER_LUNARG_object_tracker (LunarG Validation Layer) Vulkan version 1.0.0, layer version 1.0.0
ObjectTracker Extensions count = 0
VK_LAYER_LUNARG_api_dump (LunarG debug layer) Vulkan version 1.0.0, layer version 1.0.0
VK_LAYER_LUNARG_api_dump Extensions count = 0
Device Extensions and layers:
apiVersion = 696322
driverVersion = 1
vendorId = 0x10de
deviceId = 0x1183
deviceType = DISCRETE_GPU
deviceName = GTX 660 Ti
maxImageDimension1D = 0x4000
maxImageDimension2D = 0x4000
Device Extensions count = 1
VK_EXT_KHR_device_swapchain : extension revision 53