Tutorial: How to "live stream" a media file
I have tried a while to setup a free (open source etc.) live streaming solution
which is able to stream “anything” to a flash frontend. The basic idea is to
stream TV from v4l2 (and similar), but I also wanted to stream files (movies).
I found that most tutorials only show how to setup the streaming or only show
how to get a flash player up and running. The whole roundtrip is not really described
and has its own difficulties. This tutorial describes the whole “roundtrip”
from a media file on your disk to displaying it in a browser. I know that
there are easier ways to send a media file to some player in a browser and I also know
that playing a file is not really live streaming. (This is why I have put it in double quotes.)
However, it shows the principle and it might be easier to set this up as a first step.
Maybe important to note that this is targeted to a Linux server, I don’t know how and
if it works with other operating systems.
一、概览 Overview
The whole roundtrip looks as follows:
file → ffmpeg → crtmpserver → jwplayer/haxe ( → apache)
ffpmeg :
is used to convert the input to h264/aac in an MPEG-TS container
and sends it to crtmpserver using UDP
crtmpserver :
acts as the RTMP server (you might have guessed this)
crtmpserver作为RTMP server;
jwplayer :
can then play the stream. With using haXe, it is possible to create your own players
也可以使用haXe, 来创建自己的播放器;
apache :
is the webserver
The following command line converts <filename-of-movie> to h264/aac, puts it into an TS container
and sends it using UDP. (I have split this on several lines for readability.)
> ffmpeg -i "<filename-of-movie>" -re
-vcodec libx264 -vpre default -vpre baseline
-b 500000 -s 320x180 -strict experimental -g 25 -me_method zero
-acodec aac -ab 96000 -ar 48000 -ac 2 -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb
-f mpegts udp://
This command line simulates a live stream. It does not wait for anything to receive the stream,
it just pumps the data through port 10000 at the speed the movie should play.
(You should see some ffmpeg output about frames, fps etc.) This is achieved by the ”-re”
which makes ffmpeg to read the data with (maximum) the framerate which the movie has.
In addition, the UDP protocol does not wait for the answer of any receiver like TCP would do.
(As far as I understand.)
In my tests, <filename-of-movie> always is in an AVI container, with DivX/XviD and MP3.
It should, however, work as well with any other movie formats ffmpeg understands properly.
在我的测试中,<filename-of-movie>是以DivX/XviD 和 MP3编码,并以AVI格式封装;
The ffmpeg command line above was taken from the wowza documentation.
I have only experimented a bit to enhance the performance.
So I have changed the ”-g 60” to ”-g 25” as it seems more appropriate to me
and added the ”-me_method zero” as it was considered in the ffmpeg documentation as being faster.
The ffmpeg documentation also mentions using ”-intra”, but this did not work.
The stream never played in the flash player. (I don't have an explanation for that.)
上面的ffmpeg命令行是我从wowza 的文档中看到的,我做了我所知道的性能提升;
如将 “-g 60 ”改成 “-g 25”等;
I have checked out and compiled the sources from svn as described on the crtmpserver website.
After that, the server can be run. I have tried the same with other free rtmp servers
and it did not work. E.g. I did never succeed with compiling red5. With crtmpserver,
it just worked. It is also not that complicated to understand the coding.
(Even if there could be some more comments…)
I.e. just get and compile crtmpserver as described in the crtmpserver documentation.
To enable it to receive an UDP TS stream, the following needs to be added to the file
为了能接收UDP TS 流,需要对crtmpserver/builders/cmake/crtmpserver/crtmpserver.lua添加
This should be added to the acceptors part of the flvplayback application.
This tells crtmpserver that there should be a stream in a TS container sent via UDP on port 10000.
(See also rtmpserver.lua for the whole file.)
它告诉crtmpserver需要接收通过UDP向端口10000发送TS 流;
After changing this and running the ffmpeg command line above, run the server with the config file
as argument, like
> cd crtmpserver/builders/cmake
> ./crtmpserver/crtmpserver crtmpserver/crtmpserver.lua
(I don't know yet why it only works from the cmake directory.
Running from the crtmpserver directory itself did not work for me.)
UPDATE: This happens because cmake is used for building the development version of the server.
It has all the binaries/libraries paths hardcoded in by the GCC linker.
This is why you can't move around any binaries/libraries. If the production version is required
(independent paths, maximum optimization, etc), make or packing scripts should be used instead.
The documentation about installing/compiling the server will be changed to reflect that.
它对应的所有 binaries/libraries的路径都是对GCC固定的;
因此,不能移动任何 binaries/bibraries;
I keep having the issue that crtmpserver does not start up when I try it the first time
after booting the machine. This is because there is another rtmp server (red5) installed
as well. This needs to be stopped first, at least as long as it runs on the same port.
I.e. all other rtmp servers should be stopped. On my sytsem, this is done like this:
> /etc/rc2.d/S20red5-server stop
Apparently, this needs to be done as root.
Apart from some (maybe a lot) warnings, the crtmpserver output should contain something like
...basetsappprotocolhandler.cpp:49 Stream available (1): ts_2_257_256
Remember the “ts_2_257_256”, or whatever it exactly looks like. This is the name of the
stream which is later needed in the flash player. The name might depend on the ffmpeg
version and on the crtmpserver config and version.
Generally, it has the format “ts_<id>_<audio-pid>_<video-pid>”.
...basetsappprotocolhandler.cpp:49 Stream available (1): ts_2_257_256
crtmpserver now sends the stream as crtmpserver://<your-ip>/flvplayback/ts_2_257_256.
This URI can be used to point a flash player to the stream. I have successfully done
this with a very simple player written in Haxe and with JWPlayer as well.
But first, we need a webserver. Playing the streams from an embedded player using local
files seems to have some security issues, so flash does not allow it easily.
There's not much to say here. Install apache and find where the content needs to go.
On my system, this is /var/www, which I believe is the default.
The JWPlayer is a full-blown Flash video player. You can get it from here:
Copy the file player.swf in a directory which can be reached by the web server
(e.g. a subdirectory of /var/www) and embed it into an html file as described
on the longtailvideo website. Alternatively, just use my test_jwplayer.html and
put it in the same directory as player.swf. When using it, you need to change this part:
“zeus” is the name of my server, you need to change it to the name of your server.
If unsure or it does not work, just use Apparently, it will only work locally then…
You might also need to change the stream name (ts_2_257_256) to the one from crtmpserver's output.
将文件player.swf复制到webserver的指定目录(如/var/www), 并将它嵌入到一个HTML页面中;
<script src="/jwplayer/jwplayer.js"></script>
<div id='my-video'></div> <script type='text/javascript'>
width: '624',
height: '352' });
Now make sure that ffmpeg and crtmpserver are running. Open a browser and type an url like
Apparently, you need to change “zeus” to your machine's name or try
The rest is the path to the test_jwplayer.html file, which will also be different on your box.
After a few seconds of buffering, you should be able to watch the movie.
It might not have the correct aspect ratio and it also might be a bit choppy,
but it works in principle.
(If it does not, restart ffmpeg and crtmpserver and reload the page.)
It seems that it can do even more, but for me, haXe (http://haxe.org/) is a free
(open source) alternative to “develop flash”. I.e. you can write actionscript-like
programs and compile them to .swf format. (I sometimes need to do things myself to
really understand them.) I like this especially because I could write my own little
flash stream player which I could experiment with. In theory, this could also be done
with JWPlayer as this is open source as well. However, JWPlayer source is a bit complicated
and I am not sure if you can compile it without the commercial flash development kit.
实际上,haXe能做很多事,但对于我来说,haXe(http://haxe.org/) 是一个免费开源的选择来开发flash;
If you want to try the haXe player, install haxe (at least on debian, there is a package).
Then create a file like Test.hx. Open it in an editor and change the appearances of “zeus”
to your own server's name and change “ts_2_257_256” to the correct stream name.
(I know that hardcoding these names is not a programming style which deserves
to be called “style”, but again, it shows the principle.)
打开一个编辑器并修改域名"zeus"和"ts_2_257_256"成正确值 ;
The file can then be compiled using the following command line from the directory
where Test.hx sits in.
> haxe -swf9 test.swf -main Test
This results in the file test.swf. This can then be embedded as any other flash player into a website,
see e.g. test_haxe.html.
Put test.swf and test_haxe.html in a directory accessible by the web server.
Open a browser and point it to the test_haxe.html page. Again, the movie should come up
after a few seconds. (…if crtmpserver and ffmpeg are still running)