Presentation201606(The Sketchy Database-Learning to Retrieve Badly Drawn Bunnies)

《The Sketchy Database-Learning to Retrieve Badly Drawn Bunnies》PPT/Video/Related work… 百度云


Learn the correspondence between human sketches and photographic objects


  • The Sketchy database
    (the first large-scale collection of sketch-photo pairs)

Presentation201606(The Sketchy Database-Learning to Retrieve Badly Drawn Bunnies)_第1张图片

  • Fine-grained sketch retrieval


Develop a crowd data collection technique
- The Sketchy database contains 75,471 sketches of 12,500 objects spanning 125 categories.
Demonstrate the first deep learning approach to sketch based image retrieval.
-Learn a common feature space for sketches and photos
Better fine-grained sketch retrieval

Limitations and Future Opportunities

  1. Deep network requires extensive data
  2. Discrete levels of similarity between sketches and photos –the same instance, the same category, or completely dissimilar

  3. Could be used as training data for generating sketches of photographic objects

  4. Synthesized images from sketches
  5. Learn deep generative image models
