
热烈庆祝“OpenSUSE 11.4 RC2 发布”!

1#社区 一个强大而对用用户有帮助的社区,它让用户可以依赖。它能快速的修复漏洞,它能在用户遇到麻烦的时候给予帮助,并且使用户有最好的Linux体验。这里就是人们之间的相互影响,就是人们管理机器。大部分,我们将以你的语言表达。
2# GNOME 成熟,稳定,坚固的桌面将会给所有的用户带来强有力的桌面体验。OpenSUSE11.4是那些在GNOME2上徘徊的人的必备,它还为GNOME3粉丝提供了附加的源。openSUSE11.4将会令那些使用的人感觉到GNOME3是不可或缺的。
3# 特色项目  包含了大部分特色的项目,如GNOME,KDE,LXDE,friends,甚至IceWM也把Banshee,VLC植入11.4中,你能叫得出名字的都可以在openSUSE中运行,还有社区软件库比如GNOME的:Ayatana;
4# YaST管理维护工具 用用户正常的语言展示初高级的显著特性。
5# 安全性和稳定性 不用怀疑,也不用多说,唯一需要的就是信任。
6# 默认软件分组 openSUSE使用awesone进行默认软件分组,它们能满足我们日常的计算机管理任务。
7#  即装即用 当它安装完后,便可以正常使用,即使是一直认我觉得麻烦的ATI显卡。我真的不想安安装一个Linux发行版后还要花上许多时间在完成我的要求上。openSUSE在这一点上快速而且简单。
8# 源管理 我爱上openSUSE的一个重要原因就是它运行起来就像“乐高组合玩具“。
9# Wine openSUSE11.4集成了Wine 1.3.10 ,我已经试过运行Lord of the Rings Online和 World of Warcraft,魔兽世界。从openSUSE测试版的试用来看,我觉得openSUSE应用更加突出Wine的作用。
10# 工艺 openSUSE11.4集成了Stripes artwork.启动画面
#10 – Artwork – openSUSE 11.4 ships with ‘Stripes’ artwork. I love specially the console terminal which offers very good contrast. The boot splash images are visually attractive and provide a pleasant boot experience.

#9 – Wine – openSUSE 11.4 ships with Wine 1.3.10 which works very good for me. I’ve tried Lord of the Rings Online (flawlessly out of the box) and World of Warcraft. From the tested products, I feel that openSUSE promotion needs a bit more of effort on highlighting Wine. Marcus must be proud, and I’m for sure thankful for his great work!

#8 – Repository Management – One of the main reason why I love openSUSE is because it works like “Lego”. You can keep adding/removing software repositories and have a hell of a kick ass experience. Success on this tasks require some brains, but an expert tinker can perform great things with openSUSE repositories!

#7 – “Out of the Box” Factor – It just works… even with my problematic ATI. This is one important point for me. I don’t really like to install a Linux distribution and spend hours tinkering it for my needs. With openSUSE it’s done fast and clean.

#6 – Default Software Patterns – The default software patterns on openSUSE are awesome and they fulfill all the needs for my daily computing tasks.

#5 – Security and Stability – Without doubt the calling card from openSUSE. There’s isn’t really much to say, except it inspires trust!

#4 – YaST Installer – Not being a technical person, I have to remove my hat before openSUSE installer. It ‘speaks’ normal user language, it provides outstanding features for advanced and starters. It inspires total supremacy of man over machine!

#3 – Featured upstream Projects – The most known upstream projects are present! GNOME, KDE, LXDE and friends, even IceWM made his way into 11.4. Banshee, VLC, you name it… Everything can run on openSUSE, even community repos such as GNOME:Ayatana! Whatever software you are looking for, it’s for sure in a openSUSE repository!

#2 GNOME – Does it need an introduction? NO! It’s mature, stable, rock solid and will provide a powerful Desktop experience for any user! OpenSUSE 11.4 is a must for people who want to hang around with GNOME2 for a bit more, and for all the GNOME3 fans through an additional repository. GNOME3 is something you can’t miss! openSUSE 11.4 will enable you that feature later on!

#1 Community – A strong and helpful community in which our users can rely. Swift on bug fixing, helpful when one is in trouble and commited to bring our users the best Linux experience possible. It’s all about faces and human interaction, it’s all about being human in charge of the machine! And most of us will speak your language!
