/* * PDFlib client: hello example in C * pdflib-BarCode */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <String.h> #include "pdflib.h" #include "Code39.h" FILE *fp; void drawTable(PDF *p, double x0, double y0, double height, double width); void addText(PDF *p, double x0, double y0, char *barCode); int main(void) { PDF *p; int font; double startX,startY; double pageEdgeX,pageEdgeY; double tableEdgeX,tableEdgeY; double tableHeight, tableWidth; /* create a new PDFlib object */ if ((p = PDF_new()) == (PDF *) 0) { printf("Couldn't create PDFlib object (out of memory)!\n"); return(2); } PDF_TRY(p) { /* This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. */ PDF_set_parameter(p, "errorpolicy", "return"); PDF_set_parameter(p, "hypertextencoding", "host"); //--(增加位置) if (PDF_begin_document(p, "hello.pdf", 0, "") == -1) { printf("Error: %s\n", PDF_get_errmsg(p)); return(2); } /* This line is required to avoid problems on Japanese systems */ //PDF_set_parameter(p, "hypertextencoding", "host"); //--(注释位置) PDF_set_info(p, "Creator", "hello.c"); PDF_set_info(p, "Author", "Thomas Merz"); PDF_set_info(p, "Title", "Hello, world (C)!"); PDF_begin_page_ext(p, a4_width, a4_height, ""); /* Change "host" encoding to "winansi" or whatever you need! */ font = PDF_load_font(p, "Helvetica-Bold", 0, "host", ""); if (font == -1) { printf("Error: %s\n", PDF_get_errmsg(p)); PDF_delete(p); return(2); } PDF_save(p); //#define a4_width 595.0 //#define a4_height 842.0 //左下角为(0,0) //x横向,y纵向 pageEdgeX = 20; pageEdgeY = 20; tableEdgeX = 10; tableEdgeY = 20; tableHeight = 30; tableWidth = 180; fp = fopen("out.txt", "w"); if(!fp) { printf("file errpr!\n"); return -1; } startX = pageEdgeX; startY = a4_height-pageEdgeY; drawTable(p, startX, startY, tableHeight, tableWidth); addText(p, startX, startY, "SN301"); drawTable(p, startX, startY-(tableEdgeX+tableHeight), tableHeight, tableWidth); addText(p, startX, startY-(tableEdgeX+tableHeight), "SN302"); drawTable(p, startX, startY-2*(tableEdgeX+tableHeight), tableHeight, tableWidth); addText(p, startX, startY-2*(tableEdgeX+tableHeight), "SN303"); PDF_restore(p); PDF_end_page_ext(p, ""); PDF_end_document(p, ""); } PDF_CATCH(p) { printf("PDFlib exception occurred in hello sample:\n"); printf("[%d] %s: %s\n", PDF_get_errnum(p), PDF_get_apiname(p), PDF_get_errmsg(p)); PDF_delete(p); return(2); } PDF_delete(p); return 0; } void drawTable(PDF *p, double x0, double y0, double height, double width) { PDF_setcolor(p, "fillstroke", "rgb", 0, 0, 0, 0); PDF_setlinewidth(p, 0.1); //横向 PDF_moveto(p, x0, y0); PDF_lineto(p, x0+width, y0); PDF_stroke(p); PDF_moveto(p, x0, y0-height); PDF_lineto(p, x0+width, y0-height); PDF_stroke(p); //竖向 PDF_moveto(p, x0, y0); PDF_lineto(p, x0, y0-height); PDF_stroke(p); PDF_moveto(p, x0+50, y0); PDF_lineto(p, x0+50, y0-height); PDF_stroke(p); PDF_moveto(p, x0+width, y0); PDF_lineto(p, x0+width, y0-height); PDF_stroke(p); } void addText(PDF *p, double x0, double y0, char *barCode) { int font, font_ch; double posX,posY; font = PDF_load_font(p, "Helvetica", 0, "host", ""); if (font == -1) { printf("Error: %s\n", PDF_get_errmsg(p)); PDF_delete(p); return; } font_ch = PDF_load_font(p, "STSong-Light", 0, "GB-EUC-H", ""); if (font == -1) { printf("Error: %s\n", PDF_get_errmsg(p)); PDF_delete(p); return; } ///* posX = x0; posY = y0; PDF_save(p); PDF_setfont(p, font_ch, 12); PDF_set_text_pos(p, posX+5, posY-20); PDF_show(p, "条形码"); PDF_restore(p); //条码 char *text = barCode; if(Code39Verify(text)==-1) { printf("involid char\n"); return; } char partial[1024]=""; if(Code39Encode(text, partial)==-1) { printf("code error\n"); return; } fwrite(partial, strlen(partial), 1, fp); fwrite("\r\n", strlen("\r\n"), 1, fp); double codeWid = 0.8; double codeHig = 10; char *str = partial; posX = x0+60; posY = y0-5; PDF_setcolor(p, "fillstroke", "rgb", 0, 0, 0, 0); PDF_setlinewidth(p, codeWid); PDF_save(p); while(*str) { for(int i=0; i<(*str-'0'); i++) { PDF_moveto(p, posX, posY); PDF_lineto(p, posX, posY-codeHig); posX += codeWid; PDF_stroke(p); } str++; posX += codeWid*(*str-'0'); str++; } PDF_restore(p); //条码字符 posX = x0; posY = y0-10; PDF_save(p); PDF_setfont(p, font, 8); PDF_set_text_pos(p, posX+60, posY-15); PDF_show(p, barCode); PDF_restore(p); }
// Code39.h: interface for the CCode39 class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Code39编码 static char *code39set[]={ "111221211",//0 "211211112",//1 "112211112",//2 "212211111",//3 "111221112",//4 "211221111",//5 "112221111",//6 "111211212",//7 "211211211",//8 "112211211",//9 "211112112",//A "112112112",//B "212112111",//C "111122112",//D "211122111",//E "112122111",//F "111112212",//G "211112211",//H "112112211",//I "111122211",//J "211111122",//K "112111122",//L "212111121",//M "111121122",//N "211121121",//O "112121121",//P "111111222",//Q "211111221",//R "112111221",//S "111121221",//T "221111112",//U "122111112",//V "222111111",//W "121121112",//X "221121111",//Y "122121111",//Z "121111212",//- "221111211",//. "122111211",//Space "121212111",//$ "121211121",/// "121112121",//+ "111212121",//% "121121211",//* }; int Code39Encode(char* text, char* partial); int Code39Verify(char* text);
// Code39.cpp: implementation of the CCode39 class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <String.h> #include "Code39.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Code39Verify(char* text) { if(text[0]=='\0') return -1; while(*text&&((*text>='A'&&*text<='Z')|| (*text>='0'&&*text<='9')|| (*text=='-')|| (*text=='.')|| (*text=='$')|| (*text==' ')|| (*text=='/')|| (*text=='+')|| (*text=='%')|| (*text=='*'))) text++; if(*text) return -1; return 0;//OK } int Code39Encode(char* text, char* partial) { unsigned i; char *str = text; if(!partial) { return -1; } //首字符为* strcat(partial,code39set[43]); strcat(partial,"2"); //如果字符串为空,则返回 if(!(*text)) { return -1; } for(i=0;i<strlen(text);i++) { if((*str>='A') && (*str<='Z')) strcat(partial,code39set[*str-'A'+10]); else if((*str>='0') && (*str<='9')) strcat(partial,code39set[*str-'0']); else if(*str=='-') strcat(partial,code39set[36]); else if(*str=='.') strcat(partial,code39set[37]); else if(*str==' ') strcat(partial,code39set[38]); else if(*str=='$') strcat(partial,code39set[39]); else if(*str=='/') strcat(partial,code39set[40]); else if(*str=='+') strcat(partial,code39set[41]); else if(*str=='%') strcat(partial,code39set[42]); else if(*str=='*') strcat(partial,code39set[43]); else { return -1; } str++; //每两个字符之间加一个白线 strcat(partial,"2"); } //结束符为* strcat(partial,code39set[43]); return 0; }