1012 Rescue

1012 Rescue

题意:Angel was put in prison by Moligpy. Theprison is described as a N * M (N, M <= 200) matrix.他的朋友r想要救他,在矩阵中“.”代表路,“a”代表Angel,“x”代表卫兵,“#”代表墙,r每移动一个单位,花费一个时间,他杀死卫兵需要一个时间,求r到达Angel最短时间,他只能上下左右移动。






using namespace std;

int visit[201][201];

char map[201][201];

int n,m,sum,rx,ry,ax,ay;

struct node{

   int x,y,time;

   friend bool operator<(node a,node b){

       return b.time<a.time;



int dri[4][2]={{-1,0},{1,0},{0,1},{0,-1}};

bool check(int a,int b){

   if(a<1||a>n||b<1||b>m||visit[a][b]||map[a][b]=='#') returntrue;

   return false;


int bfs(){

   node p,q;

   p.x=rx; p.y=ry; p.time=0;

   priority_queue<node> b;







           return p.time;

       for(int i=0;i<4;i++){





           if(check(q.x,q.y)) continue;







   return 0;


int main(){

   int i,j;








                rx=i; ry=j;




                ax=i; ay=j;







       cout<<"Poor ANGEL has to stay in the prison all hislife."<<endl;


     return 0;


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