windows 下ORA-27102: out of memory错误


SQL> startup
ORA-27102: out of memory
OSD-00025: additional error information
O/S-Error: (OS 1453) Insufficient quota to complete the requested service

out of memory这个错误一般是linux下面因为操作系统的限制有可能出现,但是我的系统是windows的,怎么会有这个提示??通过查询,原来是lock_sga参数的问题,是个bug引起的,bug号为7687937

ORA-27102 OSD-00025 O/S-Error: (OS 1453) When Lock_sga is Set to True [ID 1292225.1]

Applies to:

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to - Release: 10.2 to 11.1
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Instance fails to start with the errors:

ORA-27102: out of memory
OSD-00025: additional error information
O/S-Error: (OS 1453) Insufficient quota to complete the requested service.

LOCK_SGA is set to TRUE.


The cause of this problem has been identified in  Bug 7687937:

A ORA-27102 error can occur on startup when the LOCK_SGA initialization parameter is set to true for a large SGA size. Here the ORA-27102 occurs due to failure of VirtualLock with an error, which indicates that there is not enough minimum working set to lock the memory .


1. upgrade to 11.2 release where  Bug 7687937 is fixed

2. or use the workaround setting the following in the registry:

ORA_WORKINGSETMIN = Total SGA being locked + overhead (0.3% or higher of total SGA) in 
MBytes or check if it's available Patch bundle 21 ( 32-Bit  Patch 8541774 
64-Bit (x64)  Patch 8541781 where the bug is fixed.

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