HamaWhite 原创,转载请注明出处!欢迎大家加入Giraph 技术交流群: 228591158
@Override public void compute(Iterable<DoubleWritable> messages) { if (getSuperstep() == 0) { setValue(new DoubleWritable(Double.MAX_VALUE)); } double minDist = isSource() ? 0d : Double.MAX_VALUE; for (DoubleWritable message : messages) { minDist = Math.min(minDist, message.get()); } if (minDist < getValue().get()) { setValue(new DoubleWritable(minDist)); for (Edge<LongWritable, FloatWritable> edge : getEdges()) { double distance = minDist + edge.getValue().get(); sendMessage(edge.getTargetVertexId(), new DoubleWritable(distance)); } } //把顶点置为InActive状态 voteToHalt(); }
1. org.apache.giraph.partition. PartitionStats 类
/** computed vertices in this partition */ private long computedVertexCount=0; /** * Increment the computed vertex count by one. */ public void incrComputedVertexCount() { ++ computedVertexCount; } /** * @return the computedVertexCount */ public long getComputedVertexCount() { return computedVertexCount; }
@Override public void readFields(DataInput input) throws IOException { partitionId = input.readInt(); vertexCount = input.readLong(); finishedVertexCount = input.readLong(); edgeCount = input.readLong(); messagesSentCount = input.readLong(); //添加下条语句 computedVertexCount=input.readLong(); } @Override public void write(DataOutput output) throws IOException { output.writeInt(partitionId); output.writeLong(vertexCount); output.writeLong(finishedVertexCount); output.writeLong(edgeCount); output.writeLong(messagesSentCount); //添加下条语句 output.writeLong(computedVertexCount); }
/** computed vertices in this partition * Add by BaiSong */ private long computedVertexCount=0; /** * @return the computedVertexCount */ public long getComputedVertexCount() { return computedVertexCount; }修改addPartitionStats(PartitionStats partitionStats)方法,增加统计computedVertexCount功能。
/** * Add the stats of a partition to the global stats. * * @param partitionStats Partition stats to be added. */ public void addPartitionStats(PartitionStats partitionStats) { this.vertexCount += partitionStats.getVertexCount(); this.finishedVertexCount += partitionStats.getFinishedVertexCount(); this.edgeCount += partitionStats.getEdgeCount(); //Add by BaiSong,添加下条语句 this.computedVertexCount+=partitionStats.getComputedVertexCount(); }当然为了Debug方便,也可以修改该类的toString()方法(可选),修改后的如下:
public String toString() { return "(vtx=" + vertexCount + ", computedVertexCount=" + computedVertexCount + ",finVtx=" + finishedVertexCount + ",edges=" + edgeCount + ",msgCount=" + messageCount + ",haltComputation=" + haltComputation + ")"; }3. org.apache.giraph.graph. ComputeCallable<I,V,E,M>
if (!vertex.isHalted()) { context.progress(); TimerContext computeOneTimerContext = computeOneTimer.time(); try { vertex.compute(messages); //添加下面一句,当顶点调用完compute()方法后,就把该Partition的computedVertexCount加1 partitionStats.incrComputedVertexCount(); } finally { computeOneTimerContext.stop(); } ……4. 添加Counters统计,和我的博客 Giraph源码分析(七)—— 添加消息统计功能 类似,此处不再详述。添加的类为:org.apache.giraph.counters.GiraphComputedVertex,下面附上该类的源码:
package org.apache.giraph.counters; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper.Context; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; /** * Hadoop Counters in group "Giraph Messages" for counting every superstep * message count. */ public class GiraphComputedVertex extends HadoopCountersBase { /** Counter group name for the giraph Messages */ public static final String GROUP_NAME = "Giraph Computed Vertex"; /** Singleton instance for everyone to use */ private static GiraphComputedVertex INSTANCE; /** superstep time in msec */ private final Map<Long, GiraphHadoopCounter> superstepVertexCount; private GiraphComputedVertex(Context context) { super(context, GROUP_NAME); superstepVertexCount = Maps.newHashMap(); } /** * Instantiate with Hadoop Context. * * @param context * Hadoop Context to use. */ public static void init(Context context) { INSTANCE = new GiraphComputedVertex(context); } /** * Get singleton instance. * * @return singleton GiraphTimers instance. */ public static GiraphComputedVertex getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } /** * Get counter for superstep messages * * @param superstep * @return */ public GiraphHadoopCounter getSuperstepVertexCount(long superstep) { GiraphHadoopCounter counter = superstepVertexCount.get(superstep); if (counter == null) { String counterPrefix = "Superstep: " + superstep+" "; counter = getCounter(counterPrefix); superstepVertexCount.put(superstep, counter); } return counter; } @Override public Iterator<GiraphHadoopCounter> iterator() { return superstepVertexCount.values().iterator(); } }
本人原创,转载请注明出处! 本人QQ:530422429,欢迎大家指正、讨论。