(domain salt file not found) Error while using weblogic's nodemanager

So from Node2 do the following:
1: open a shell prompt and run the setDomainenv.sh or the setDomainEnv.cmd file to set the environment as below:
. ./setDomainEnv.sh for unix machines
c:> setDomainEnv.cmd for Windows.

2: Now invoke the WLST as : java weblogic.WLST
    WLST.sh directly.

3: Connect to the Admin Server : connect('weblogic','weblogic','t3://localhost:8001')

4: run the nmEnroll() as :
nmEnroll('domain dir path','node manager home path')

Here the domain dir path will the path of the Domain home on Node2 and node manager Home path is the path of node manager home on Node2.
