ORA-08103: 对象不再存在

    最近informatica在抽取一个表的数据时,经常报“ORA-08103: 对象不再存在”错误。当时在网上也没找到特别好的解决办法,只能自己分析了下原因,最终解决了这个问题。







symptom: Error performing a SELECT statement
symptom: ORA-08103: object no longer exists
symptom: Table is being truncated by other session
symptom: Analyze table validate structure cascade returns no errors
cause: This ORA-08103 occurs on the next block read after the truncate 
The LOCK TABLE IN EXCLUSIVE MODE does not prevent the table from being
SELECTED from. Thus, when the query has started and while this query runs
and the truncate occurs, this ORA-08103 may surface on the next block read.
This is considered intended behavior.
When a TRUNCATE occurs the DATAOBJ# in OBJ$ gets increased by one and thus
may lead to this ORA-08103 'object no longer exists'


Possible solutions are:
- Use DELETE instead of TRUNCATE
- Use SELECT FOR UPDATE as this will try to lock the table


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