Overlooked Essentials For Optimizing Code

From Auther's Blog (English):




From ChinaUnix (Chinese):




What I have got from this article.


1、Using a Profiler:

Using a profiler to find out the bottleneck of it.Then you can speed your time on where needed exactly.Cost little to do the better.


2、Lookint at the assemly code being executed:

Check the Asm code of your c/c++ source code compiled by the compiler.Then you will find what you wanna know.such as is it really inline?,is it going on as we think? etc. The assemly code always tells the truth of what the compiler have done.


There is no 'maybe' or no 'I think' in the programming.You must say 'sure' of what you have done about you code.You must know everything of it erverytime.




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