



  •   将包含插图的数据框移出页面的可打印范围。
  •   将插图的范围更改为比主数据框的范围大很多,使得范围指示器不会出现在不想其出现的页面上。



  •   保存地图文档。


  下面显示一个示例脚本,该脚本将导出在第 1 页和第 3 页上有插图的地图册。

  下面的脚本将导出在第 1 页和第 3 页上有插图的地图册。

  import arcpy, os

  # Create an output directory variable


  outDir = r"C:\Project\MapBook\final_output"

  # Create a new, empty pdf document in the specified output directory

  # This will be your final product

  finalpdf_filename = outDir + r"\FinalMapBook.pdf"

  if os.path.exists(finalpdf_filename): # Check to see if file already exists, delete if it does


  finalPdf = arcpy.mapping.PDFDocumentCreate(finalpdf_filename)

  # Create a Data Driven Pages object from the mxd you wish to export


  mxdPath = r"C:\Project\MapBook\zipCodePopulation.mxd"

  tempMap = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(mxdPath)

  tempDDP = tempMap.dataDrivenPages

  # Create objects for the layout elements that will be moving, e.g., inset data frame, scale text

  dataFrame = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(tempMap, "Inset Map")[0]

  # Instead of exporting all pages at once, you will need to use a loop to export one at a time

  # This allows you to check each index and execute code to add inset maps to the correct pages


  for pgIndex in range(1, tempDDP.pageCount + 1, 1):

  # Create a name for the pdf file you will create for each page

  temp_filename = r"C:\Project\MapBook\temp_pdfs\MB_" + \

  str(pgIndex) + ".pdf"

  if os.path.exists(temp_filename):


  # The following if statements check the current page index against given values

  # If the current page index matches, it will execute code to set up that page

  # If not, the page remains as is

  # Note: If you created a text file containing this information, this is where

  # you would paste in that code

  # Code for setting up the inset map on the first page #

  if (pgIndex == 1):

  # Set position of inset map to place it on the page layout

  dataFrame.elementPositionX = 0.5

  dataFrame.elementPositionY = 0.6

  # Set the desired size of the inset map for this page

  dataFrame.elementHeight = 2.0

  dataFrame.elementWidth = 2.0

  # Set the desired extent for the inset map

  insetExtent_1 = arcpy.Extent(-88.306778229417176, 41.590293951894907, -87.609922645465474, 42.300975912784295)

  dataFrame.extent = insetExtent_1

  # Code for setting up the inset map on the third page #

  if (pgIndex == 3):

  # Set up inset map

  dataFrame.elementPositionX = 3.25

  dataFrame.elementPositionY = 7

  dataFrame.elementHeight = 2.45

  dataFrame.elementWidth = 3.0

  insetExtent_3 = arcpy.Extent(-83.889191535, 41.870516098, -82.875460656, 42.72572048)

  dataFrame.extent = insetExtent_3

  # Code to export current page and add it to mapbook

  tempDDP.exportToPDF(temp_filename, "RANGE", pgIndex)


  # Clean up your page layout by moving the data frame and resetting its extent after exporting the page

  # This will reset the page to the basic layout before exporting the next page


  dataFrame.elementPositionX = 10 # Move inset data frame off the page

  dataFrame.scale = 350000000 # Change scale so extent indicator no longer visible in main data frame


  # Clean up


  del tempMap

  # Update the properties of the final pdf




  # Save your result



