最近我给一个嵌入式Chip做编译器, 该chip 不支持乘除法指令,因此我就要去实现它。
理论基础:<<计算机组成原理>> 李文兵 清华大学出版社
unsigned mulchar(unsigned char a, unsigned char b)
unsigned char aSign = 0;
unsigned char aSignHigh = 0;
unsigned char flag = 0;
unsigned char anSignEx = 0;
unsigned char anSignExHigh = 0;
unsigned char a2SignEx = 0;
unsigned char a2SignExHigh = 0;
unsigned char tempB = b;
unsigned char ResultHigh = 0;
unsigned char ResultHighH = 0;
unsigned char a2 = 0;
unsigned char an = 0;
unsigned short result = 0;
// clear
mov eax, 0
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, 0
mov edx, 0
mov ResultHigh, al
mov ResultHighH,al
// backup a
mov al, a
mov an, al
// extern a sign
cbw // don't use because unsigned multiplication
//cmp XYflag, 0
//jnz directjmp
mov ah, 0
mov aSign, ah
mov aSignHigh, ah
// move 2a sign
mov a2SignEx, ah
mov a2SignExHigh, ah
// calculate 2a
mov Ah, 0
shl al, 1
rcl a2SignEx, 1
rcl a2SignExHigh, 1
mov a2, al
// extern an sign
mov al, a
xor ah, ah
mov bx, 0
sub bx, ax
mov anSignEx, bh
mov an, bl
mov anSignExHigh, bh
// loop count
mov ch, 0x4
// calculate last 2 bits
mov bl, b
and bl, 0x3
cmp flag, 0x0
jz directcheck2bit
// clear flag
mov flag, 0x0
inc bl
cmp bl, 0x3
jbe directcheck2bit
// set flag
mov flag, 1
and bl, 0x3
cmp bl, 0x00
jz labelto00state
cmp bl, 0x01
jz labelto01state
cmp bl, 0x02
jz labelto02state
// 03 state
add dh, an
mov bh, anSignEx
adc ResultHigh, bh
mov bh, anSignExHigh
adc ResultHighH, bh
// shift
SAR ResultHighH, 1
RCR ResultHigh, 1
RCR dx, 1
// shift again
SAR ResultHighH, 1
RCR ResultHigh, 1
RCR dx, 1
// set flag
mov flag, 0x1
// shift operand b
mov bl, tempB
mov cl, 0x2
SHR bl, cl
mov tempB, bl
and bl, 0x3
dec ch
jnz loopstart
jmp result_xy
// shift
SAR ResultHighH, 1
RCR ResultHigh, 1
RCR dx, 1
// shift again
SAR ResultHighH, 1
RCR ResultHigh, 1
RCR dx, 1
// shift operand b
mov bl, tempB
mov cl, 0x2
SHR bl, cl
mov tempB, bl
and bl, 0x3
jmp DecCount
add dh, a
mov bh, aSign
adc ResultHigh, bh
adc ResultHighH, bh
// shift
SAR ResultHighH, 1
RCR ResultHigh, 1
RCR dx, 1
// shift again
SAR ResultHighH, 1
RCR ResultHigh, 1
RCR dx, 1
// shift
mov bl, tempB
mov cl, 0x2
SHR bl, cl
mov tempB, bl
and bl, 0x3
jmp DecCount
add dh, a2
mov bh, a2SignEx
adc ResultHigh, bh
mov bh, a2SignExHigh
adc ResultHighH, bh
// shift
SAR ResultHighH, 1
RCR ResultHigh, 1
RCR dx, 1
// shift again
SAR ResultHighH, 1
RCR ResultHigh, 1
RCR dx, 1
// shift
mov bl, tempB
mov cl, 0x2
SHR bl, cl
mov tempB, bl
and bl, 0x3
jmp DecCount
cmp flag, 0
jz Operandblasttime
add dh, a
mov result, dx
return result;
// 除法
unsigned short divchar(unsigned char a, unsigned char b)
unsigned char result = 0;
unsigned char rest = 0;
unsigned char restsign = 0;
unsigned char bn = 0;
unsigned char bnsign = 0;
unsigned char rest2 = 0;
unsigned char rest2sign = 0;
mov cx, 0
cmp b, 0
jnz nextprocess
int 0 // div exception
mov al, a
cmp al, b
jb returnresult
// start division
mov al, a
mov rest, al
mov restsign, 0
// calculate the -b to bn
mov al, b
mov bl, 0
sub bl, al
mov al, 0
sbb al, 0
mov bnsign, al
mov bn, bl
mov al, rest
cmp al, b
jb loopexit
mov al, rest
sub al, b
mov rest , al
mov bl, restsign
sbb bl, 0
mov restsign, bl
inc cl
//mov bl, restsign
and bl, 0x80
jz nonaddY
mov al, rest
add al, b
mov rest, al
mov bl, restsign
adc bl, 0
mov restsign, bl
jmp loopStart
mov al , a
mov rest, al
mov result, cl
unsigned short nR = rest;
nR <<= 8;
nR |= result;
return nR;
// testfload.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <process.h>
unsigned mulchar(unsigned char a, unsigned char b);
short mulsignedchar(char a, char b);
unsigned short divchar(unsigned char a, unsigned char b);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int i =0 ;
int j = 0;
int k = 0;
unsigned short div = divchar(128, 1);
unsigned char shang = div & 0xff;
unsigned char rest = (div >> 8) & 0xff;
// unsigned char
for (i = 0 ; i <= 255; i++)
for (j = 0; j <= 255; j++)
unsigned short c = (short)i * j;
unsigned short c1 = mulchar(i, j);
printf ("%d * %d = %hx, %hx/n", i, j, c, c1);
if (c != c1)
int 3
// signed char
for (i = -128 ; i <= 127; i++)
for (j = -128; j <= 127; j++)
short c = (char)i * j;
short c1 = mulsignedchar(i, j);
printf ("%d * %d = %hd, %hd/n", i, j, c, c1);
if (c != c1)
int 3
for (i = 1; i <= 255; i++)
for (j = 1; j <= 255; j++)
unsigned char c = i / j;
unsigned char s = i % j;
unsigned short cc = divchar(i, j);
unsigned char c1 = cc & 0xff;
unsigned char s1 = (cc >> 8) & 0xff;
printf("%u / %u = %u---%u=====rest %u----%u/n", i, j, c, c1, s, s1);
if (c != c1 || s1 != s)
int 3
printf("errors %d/n", k);
return 0;
short mulsignedchar(char a, char b)
int asign = a & 0x80;
int bsign = b & 0x80;
int nsign = asign ^ bsign;
unsigned char mula = a, mulb = b;
if (asign)
mula = -a;
if (bsign)
mulb = -b;
int result = mulchar(mula, mulb);
if (nsign)
result = - result;
return result;
unsigned mulchar(unsigned char a, unsigned char b)
unsigned char aSign = 0;
unsigned char aSignHigh = 0;
unsigned char flag = 0;
unsigned char anSignEx = 0;
unsigned char anSignExHigh = 0;
unsigned char a2SignEx = 0;
unsigned char a2SignExHigh = 0;
unsigned char tempB = b;
unsigned char ResultHigh = 0;
unsigned char ResultHighH = 0;
unsigned char a2 = 0;
unsigned char an = 0;
unsigned short result = 0;
// clear
mov eax, 0
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, 0
mov edx, 0
mov ResultHigh, al
mov ResultHighH,al
// backup a
mov al, a
mov an, al
// extern a sign
cbw // don't use because unsigned multiplication
//cmp XYflag, 0
//jnz directjmp
mov ah, 0
mov aSign, ah
mov aSignHigh, ah
// move 2a sign
mov a2SignEx, ah
mov a2SignExHigh, ah
// calculate 2a
mov Ah, 0
shl al, 1
rcl a2SignEx, 1
rcl a2SignExHigh, 1
mov a2, al
// extern an sign
mov al, a
xor ah, ah
mov bx, 0
sub bx, ax
mov anSignEx, bh
mov an, bl
mov anSignExHigh, bh
// loop count
mov ch, 0x4
// calculate last 2 bits
mov bl, b
and bl, 0x3
cmp flag, 0x0
jz directcheck2bit
// clear flag
mov flag, 0x0
inc bl
cmp bl, 0x3
jbe directcheck2bit
// set flag
mov flag, 1
and bl, 0x3
cmp bl, 0x00
jz labelto00state
cmp bl, 0x01
jz labelto01state
cmp bl, 0x02
jz labelto02state
// 03 state
add dh, an
mov bh, anSignEx
adc ResultHigh, bh
mov bh, anSignExHigh
adc ResultHighH, bh
// shift
SAR ResultHighH, 1
RCR ResultHigh, 1
RCR dx, 1
// shift again
SAR ResultHighH, 1
RCR ResultHigh, 1
RCR dx, 1
// set flag
mov flag, 0x1
// shift operand b
mov bl, tempB
mov cl, 0x2
SHR bl, cl
mov tempB, bl
and bl, 0x3
dec ch
jnz loopstart
jmp result_xy
// shift
SAR ResultHighH, 1
RCR ResultHigh, 1
RCR dx, 1
// shift again
SAR ResultHighH, 1
RCR ResultHigh, 1
RCR dx, 1
// shift operand b
mov bl, tempB
mov cl, 0x2
SHR bl, cl
mov tempB, bl
and bl, 0x3
jmp DecCount
add dh, a
mov bh, aSign
adc ResultHigh, bh
adc ResultHighH, bh
// shift
SAR ResultHighH, 1
RCR ResultHigh, 1
RCR dx, 1
// shift again
SAR ResultHighH, 1
RCR ResultHigh, 1
RCR dx, 1
// shift
mov bl, tempB
mov cl, 0x2
SHR bl, cl
mov tempB, bl
and bl, 0x3
jmp DecCount
add dh, a2
mov bh, a2SignEx
adc ResultHigh, bh
mov bh, a2SignExHigh
adc ResultHighH, bh
// shift
SAR ResultHighH, 1
RCR ResultHigh, 1
RCR dx, 1
// shift again
SAR ResultHighH, 1
RCR ResultHigh, 1
RCR dx, 1
// shift
mov bl, tempB
mov cl, 0x2
SHR bl, cl
mov tempB, bl
and bl, 0x3
jmp DecCount
cmp flag, 0
jz Operandblasttime
add dh, a
mov result, dx
return result;
unsigned short divchar(unsigned char a, unsigned char b)
unsigned char result = 0;
unsigned char rest = 0;
unsigned char restsign = 0;
unsigned char bn = 0;
unsigned char bnsign = 0;
unsigned char rest2 = 0;
unsigned char rest2sign = 0;
mov cx, 0
cmp b, 0
jnz nextprocess
int 0 // div exception
mov al, a
cmp al, b
jb returnresult
// start division
mov al, a
mov rest, al
mov restsign, 0
// calculate the -b to bn
mov al, b
mov bl, 0
sub bl, al
mov al, 0
sbb al, 0
mov bnsign, al
mov bn, bl
mov al, rest
cmp al, b
jb loopexit
mov al, rest
sub al, b
mov rest , al
mov bl, restsign
sbb bl, 0
mov restsign, bl
inc cl
//mov bl, restsign
and bl, 0x80
jz nonaddY
mov al, rest
add al, b
mov rest, al
mov bl, restsign
adc bl, 0
mov restsign, bl
jmp loopStart
mov al , a
mov rest, al
mov result, cl
unsigned short nR = rest;
nR <<= 8;
nR |= result;
return nR;