《Fundamentals of Project Management 4th Edition》 读书笔记 第八章 制作一个可行的进度安排

CHAPTER 8 Producing a Workable Schedule



Naturally, in most actual work projects, wehave been told when we must be finished. That is, the end date is dictated.Furthermore, the start date for the job is often constrained for some reason:resources won’t be available, specs won’t be written, or another project won’tbe finished until that time. So scheduling usually means trying to fit the workbetween two fixed points in time. Whatever the case, we still want to know howlong the project will take to complete; if it won’t fit into the required timeframe, then we will have to do something to shorten the critical path.



Network computations must ultimately bemade with resource limitations in mind. Another way to say this is thatresource allocation is necessary to determine what kind of schedule is actuallyachievable! Failure to consider resources almost always leads to a schedulethat cannot be met.



It is bad practice to schedule a project sothat overtime is required to meet the schedule, since if problems are encountered,it may not be possible to work more overtime to solve them.



This is not always possible. Applyingovertime often increases errors, leading to rework, which may mean that youdon’t get the job done any faster than if you had just worked a normalschedule.



Furthermore, there is always a point ofdiminishing returns when you add bodies to a task. At some point, they just getin each other’s way, actually slowing work down rather than speeding it. Notethat overtime should be kept in reserve in case of problems, so it is never agood idea to schedule a project in a way that requires overtime just to meetthe original schedule.



Another point of great importance: All membersof the project team should be encouraged to keep float times in reserve asinsurance against bad estimates or unforeseen problems.



Once you have used up the float on a task,it becomes part of the critical path.




It is possible to shorten a task by addingresources, reducing its scope, doing sloppy (poor-quality) work, being moreefficient, or changing the process by which the work is done. With theexception of doing sloppy work, all of the methods may be acceptable. Areduction in scope must be negotiated with your customer, of course.



Avoid the temptation to perfecteverything—that’s what the next-generation product or service is all about.Note: I did not say it is okay to do the job sloppily or that you shouldn’t doyour best work. I said don’t be tempted to make it perfect. By definition, youwill never reach perfection.



Apply whatever effort is needed to keepcritical tasks on schedule. If a task on the critical path can be finishedahead of schedule, do it!



A major factor in dealing with resourceallocation is the availability of each person to do project work. One guidelinethat industrial engineers follow is that no person is available to work morethan 80 percent of the time. If you assume an eight-hour day, that means 6.4hours a day available for work and prudence says to just make it six hours. The20 percent lost availability goes to three factors called PFD. P meanspersonal—every individual must take breaks. F is for fatigue—you loseproductive time as people get tired. And D means delays—people lose timewaiting for inputs from others, supplies, or instructions on what to do.



Experience shows, however, that the onlypeople who are available to work even 80 percent of the time are those whose jobstie them to their work stations. This is true for factory workers and otherswho do routine jobs like processing insurance claims (and even these peoplemove around). With knowledge workers, you never get 80 percent of a day inproductive work. The figure is usually closer to 50 percent, and it may belower!



The usual solution is that people must workovertime to get their project work done because of all the disruptions thatoccur during the day. The problem is that studies have found that overtime hasa very negative impact on productivity. So it is a losing battle. Short-termovertime is fine, but long spans just get organizations into trouble.




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