drush drupal feature

Drush is a shell utility that eases your life with Drupal. Bored of all these clicks? Let Drush help you! Even better: Features is well integrated into Drush and let you do everything via commands:

  • drush features to list all existing features and their state
  • drush fd <my_feature> (features-diff) to show the diff between the actual state of the feature and the code state
  • drush fe <my_feature> (features-export) to export a feature to a module
  • drush fr <my_feature> (features-revert) to revert/import a feature from the module code to the DB
  • drush fu <my_feature> (features-update) opposite as features-revert: updates the exported feature from the DB to the module code
  • ...
    so when you updated your feature and pushed it to your vcs, all your coworkers have to do is 
    $ drush fra to make sure the features latest versions are applied to the website.
