Sun java认证考试真题答案及部分解析(一)

注:这是一次java大作业,题目比较老,现在java认证考试已经更名为Oracle java认证考试了

1. What gets printed when the following program 
   is compiled and run? 

class Test {
public static void main(String args[]) {
    int i;
    do {
    } while (i < 0);

Select 1 correct answer:
A. The program does not compile as i is not initialized. 
B. The program compiles but does not run. 
C. The program compiles and runs but does not print anything. 
D. The program prints 0. 
E. The program prints 1.


2. What gets printed when the following program 
   is compiled and run? 

public class XYZ {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int i,j,k;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) 
for(j=1; j < 4; j++)
for(k=2; k<5; k++) 
if((i == j) && (j==k))
} } } } }

Select 1 correct answer:
A. 0 
B. 1 
C. 2 
D. 3 
E. 4


3. Given the following code :

class Base{}
public class MyCast extends Base{
static boolean b1=false;
static int i = -1;
static double d = 10.1;
public static void main(String argv[]){
MyCast m = new MyCast();
Base b = new Base();

Which of the following, if inserted at the comment //Here 
will allow the code to compile and run without error?

Select 2 correct answers:
A. b = m;
B. m = b;
C. d = i;
D. b1 = i;
解析:A 从子类型到父类型的转换是扩展引用转换,不需要在运行时采取特殊的动作,不会在运行时抛出异常。
B 从超类型到子类型的转换是收缩引用转换,需要在运行时执行测试,以查明实际的引用值是否是新类型的合法值.如果不是, 则会抛出ClassCascException 。在这里,b本身不是MyCast类型的值,因此会导致运行时异常。
C 从int到double的转换是扩展基本转换,基本类型之间的扩展转换永远不会导致运行时异常。但从int或long到float,或者是从long到double都可能导致精度丢失。
D 不允许进行int和boolean之间的类型转换

4. Given the following classes which of the following 
   will compile without error?

interface IFace{}
class CFace implements IFace{}
class Base{}
public class ObRef extends Base{
public static void main(String argv[])
ObRef ob = new ObRef();
Base b = new Base();
Object o1 = new Object();
IFace o2 = new CFace();

Select 3 correct answers:
A. o1 = o2;
B. b = ob;
C. ob = b;
D. o1 = b;
解析:A 任何对象都可以赋给Object类型的对象,正确
B 子类赋给超类是扩展引用转换,可以进行
C 收缩引用转换,错误
D 扩展引用转换,可以进行
答案 A B D

5. What is the result of compiling and running the following code?

1 public class Test {
2 static int total = 10;
3 public static void main (String args []) {
4 new Test();
5 }
6 public Test () {
7 System.out.println("In test");
8 System.out.println(this);
9 int temp =;
10 if (temp > 5) {
11 System.out.println(temp);
12 }
13 }
14 }

Select 1 correct answer:
A. The class will not compile 
B. The compiler reports an error at line 2 
C. The compiler reports an error at line 9 
D. The value 10 is one of the printed elements 
E. The class compiles but generates a runtime error

答案:D 由于test类没有override toString方法,故在调用println(this)时会直接显示类的有关信息。

6. Carefully examine the following code:

public class StaticTest {
static { System.out.println("Hi there"); }
public void print() {

public static void main(String args []) {
StaticTest st1 = new StaticTest();
StaticTest st2 = new StaticTest();

When will the string "Hi there" be printed?

Select 1 correct answer:
A. Never
B. Each time a new instance is created 
C. Once, when the class is first loaded into the JVM 
D. Only when the static method is called explicitly

答案 C


7. Given the following code what is the effect of a being 5?

public class Test {
public void add(int a) {
loop: for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++){
for (int j = 1; j < 3; j++) {
if (a == 5) {
break loop;
System.out.println(i * j);

Select 1 correct answer:
A. Generates a runtime error 
B. Throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 
C. Prints the values: 1, 2, 2, 4 
D. Produces no output

解析:考察标记和break的使用。单纯使用break只跳出当前循环(一层)。如果在要跳出的循环前加标记,那么在加过标记的循环中的任何地方都可以使用break  标记 来跳出该循环

8. Given the following class definition:

public class Droitwich{
class one{
private class two{
public void main(){

Which of the following statements are true?

Select 1 correct answer:
A. The code will not compile because the classes are nested to 
   more than one level
B. The code will not compile because class two is marked as private
C. The code will compile and output the string two at runtime
D. The code will compile without error


9. Given the following code:

class Base { static int oak=99; }
public class Doverdale extends Base{
public static void main(String argv[]){

Doverdale d = new Doverdale();

public void amethod(){

Which of the following if placed after the comment //Here, 
will compile and modify the value of the variable oak?

Select all possible answers:
A. super.oak=1;
B. oak=33;
C. Base.oak=22;
D. oak=50.1;
答案:A B C

10. What will happen when you attempt to compile 
    and run the following code?

public class Inc {
public static void main(String argv[]) {

Inc inc = new Inc();
int i =0; 
i = i++;

void fermin(int i){

Select 1 correct answer:
A. Compile time error
B. Output of 2
C. Output of 1
D. Output of 0

答 都是i=i+1的意思,区别在于i++是i先不自加,在语句完后自加,++i先自加

11. In the code fragment below, what is the value of k 
    after line 3 executes?

1 int i = -1;
2 int j = i >> 3;
3 int k = j & 129;

A. -1
B. 0
C. 129
D. A very large negative number
E. A very large positive number

i : -1  1::0000 0000 0001  -1: 1111 1111 11111
第二行,对i进行了移位操作,>>为带符号右移,其移出的空位需要用符号位补齐。格式为  需要移位的数字>>要移的位数
故j = 1111 1111 1111
第三行,&为按位与运算符,129=0000 1000 0001,k=0000 1000 0001,即129

12. What is the result after the following code executes?

1 short s = 0x00FD;
2 byte b = (byte)s;
3 System.out.println(b);

Select 1 correct answer:
A. Compile time error in line 1
B. Compile time error in line 2
C. 0
D. -3
E. -2
b=0xFD=1111 1101,是一个补码。
b取反后得到0000 0010,加1 : 0000 0011,即3,考虑到这是一个附负数,最后的结果为-3

13. Given the following method in an application:

1. public String setFileType( String fname ){
2. int p = fname.indexOf( '.' );
3. if( p > 0 ) fname = fname.substring( 0,p );
4. fname += ".TXT";
5. return fname;
6. }

and given that another part of the class has the following code:

7. String TheFile = "";
8. File F = new File( setFileType( TheFile ) );
9. System.out.println( "Created " + TheFile );

what will be printed by the statement in line 9?

Select 1 correct answer:
A. Created
B. Created Program.txt
C. Created


14. Here is the ActionEvent family tree:

|--- java.util.EventObject
|--- java.awt.AWTEvent
|---- java.awt.event.ActionEvent

Suppose we have the following code to count events and 
save the most recent event:

int evtCt = 0 ;
AWTEvent lastE ;
public void saveEvent( AWTEvent evt )
lastE = evt ;
evtCt++ ;

Which of the following calls of saveEvent would run 
without causing an exception? 

Select all possible answers:
A. call with an AWTEvent object reference
B. call with an ActionEvent object reference
C. call with an EventObject object reference
D. call with null value


15. Suppose we have two classes defined as follows:

class ApBase extends Object implements Runnable
class ApDerived extends ApBase implements Observer

Given two variables created as follows:

ApBase aBase = new ApBase() ;
ApDerived aDer = new ApDerived();

Which of the following Java code fragments will 
compile and execute without error?

Select 1 correct answer:
A. Object obj = aBase ; Runnable rn = obj ;
B. Object obj = aBase ; Runnable rn = (Runnable) obj ;
C. Object obj = aBase ; Observer ob = (Observer)aBase ;
D. Object obj = aDer ; Observer ob2 = obj ;

16. The following lists the complete contents 
    of the file named

 1. public class Base extends Object {
 2. String objType ;
 3. public Base(){ objType = "I am a Base type" ;
 4. }
 5. }
 7. public class Derived extends Base {
 8. public Derived() { objType = "I am a Derived type";
 9. }
10. public static void main(String args[] ){
11. Derived D = new Derived();
12. }
13. }

What will happen when this file is compiled?

Select 1 correct answer:
A. Two class files, Base.class and Derived.class will be created
B. The compiler will object to line 1
C. The compiler will object to line 7


17. The following method is designed to convert an input string
    to a floating point number, while detecting a bad format. 
    Assume that factor is correctly defined elsewhere:

public boolean strCvt( String s ){
try {
factor = Double.valueOf( s ).doubleValue();
return true ;
} catch(NumberFormatException e){
System.out.println("Bad number " + s );
factor = Double.NaN ;
}finally { System.out.println("Finally");
return false ; }

Which of the following descriptions of the results of various 
inputs to the method are correct? Select all possible answers:

A. Input = "0.234" 
   Result:factor = 0.234, "Finally" is printed, true is returned.
B. Input = "0.234"
   Result:factor = 0.234, "Finally" is printed, false is returned.
C. Input = null
   Result:factor = NaN, "Finally" is printed, false is returned.
D. Input = null
   Result:factor unchanged,"Finally" is printed, 
   NullPointerException is thrown.
答案:A D
18. Here is the hierarchy of Exceptions related to 
    array index errors:

+-- RuntimeException
+-- IndexOutOfBoundsException
+-- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
+-- StringIndexOutOfBoundsException

Suppose you had a method X which could throw both 
array index and string index exceptions. Assuming 
that X does not have any try - catch statements, 
which of the following statements are correct?

A. The declaration for X must include 
   "throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, 
B. If a method calling X catches IndexOutOfBoundsException, both
   array and string index exceptions will be caught.
C. If the declaration for X includes "throwsIndexOutOfBoundsException",
   any calling method must use a try - catch block.
D. The declaration for X does not have to mention exceptions.


19. Given the following listing of the Widget class:

 1 class Widget extends Thingee{
 2 static private int widgetCount = 0 ;
 3 public String wName ;
 4 int wNumber ;
 6 static synchronized int addWidget(){ widgetCount++ ;
 7 wName = "I am Widget # " + widgetCount ;
 8 return widgetCount ;
 9 }
10 public Widget(){
11 wNumber = addWidget();
12 }
13 }

What happens when we try to compile the class and use 
multiple Widget objects in a program?

Select 1 correct answer: 
A. The class compiles and each Widget will get a unique wNumber
   and wName reflecting the order in which the Widgets were created.
B. The compiler objects to line 7
C. A runtime error occurs in the addWidget method

答案:B 原因:静态方法操作的必须是静态变量

20. Given the following class definition:

public class DerivedDemo extends Demo
int M, N, L ;
public DerivedDemo( int x, int y )
M = x ; N = y ;
public DerivedDemo( int x )
super( x );

Which of the following constructor signatures MUST exist
in the Demo class for DerivedDemo to compile correctly?

Select 2 correct answers:
A. public Demo( int a, int b )
B. public Demo( int c )
C. public Demo( )
答案:B C
