function [z , x , J , arg_J , C] = wargner_whitin(d , K , c , h); % % Wagner-Whitin Algorithm % % Build production plans versus time cycles k =1,...,N responding production queries dk % and miniming the sum of following production costs % % i) Fix production cost K_k % ii) Unitary production cost c_k % iii) Stockage unitary cost h_k % % Assumption : initial and final stocks are null. % % % Inputs % ------ % % d Queries of production througth time cycles (1 x N) % K Fix production cost (1 x N) % c Unitary production cost (1 x N) % h Stockage unitary cost (1 x N) % % % Outputs % ------ % % % z Optimal cost at the end of the N cycles % x Quantities to product (1 x N) % J Partial politics (1 x N) % arg_J Arguments of the partial politics (1 x N) % C Cost transition matrix (N x N) % % % % Example1 % ------- % %clear,close all hidden %d = [8 10 7 9 6]; %K = [50 40 50 70 60]; %c = [5 5 6 4 5]; %h = [4 2 3 4 NaN]; %[z , x , J , arg_J , C] = wargner_whitin(d , K , c , h); % % % Example2 % -------- % % %clear,close all hidden %N = 100; %d = ceil(N*rand(1 , N)); %K = ceil(N*rand(1 , N)); %c = ceil(N*rand(1 , N)); %h = ceil(N*rand(1 , N)); %[z , x , J , arg_J , C] = wargner_whitin(d , K , c , h); %ind_x = find(x); %figure(1) %subplot(211) %stem((1:N),J) %xlabel('Period N','fontname','times','fontsize',12) %ylabel('Production costs','fontname','times','fontsize',12) %title(['N = ' num2str(N) ],'fontname','times','fontsize',13) %subplot(212) %stem(ind_x , x(ind_x) , 'ro') %xlabel('P-N','fontname','times','fontsize',12) %ylabel('Quantities to product','fontname','times','fontsize',12) %figure(2) %imagesc(C) %colorbar %title('Transition cost production matrix ','fontname','times','fontsize',13) % % % Author : Sebastien PARIS (sebastien.paris@lsis.org) 08/30/2001. % ------ % N = length(d); %------------------- Initialization ----------------------% C = zeros(N); FF = C; J = zeros(1 , N + 1); arg_J = J ; ZN = zeros(1 , N); ON = ones(1 , N); vect_N = (1:N); %------- Cost matrix C = {c(k,l)}, k,l = 1,...,N -----% mat_tp = triu(vect_N(ON , :)); K1 = K(:); c1 = c(:); h1 = h(:); h1 = h1(1:end - 1); KK = triu(K1(: , ON)); CC = triu(c1(: , ON)); indice = (mat_tp ~= 0); FF(indice) = d(mat_tp(indice)); YY = cumsum(FF , 2); SS = YY(2:end , 1:end); HH1 = triu(h1(: , ON)); EE = HH1.*SS; ZZ = cumsum(EE(end : -1 : 1 , :) , 1); ZZ = ZZ(end : -1 : 1 , :); C = KK + (CC.*YY) + ([ZZ ; ZN]); %------------------------ Dynamic Programming --------------------% J(end) = 0; arg_J(end) = 0; for k = N : -1 : 1 tp = ZN; tp(:) = NaN; tp(k :end) = C(k , k:end ) + J(k + 1 : end); [J(k) arg_J(k) ] = min(tp); end z = J(1); %------------------------ Back-Tracking --------------------% k = 1; x = ZN; while(k <= N) x(k) = sum(d(k : arg_J(k))); k = arg_J(k) + 1; end J = J(1:end - 1);