开始介绍之前先写一下历史背景,为了最大限度地提高计算速度,单一地提高一个核的主频以提高计算速率的方法已经不再适用。所以向量机、超标量计算机等纷纷出现,并行计算也再度成为了一个热门的方向。现有的并行计算架构主要有两个:GPGPU(通用GPU)以及Intel的MIC(Many Integrated Core)架构。通用GPU加速主要是利用GPU本身具有多线程的特性,将计算密集型任务迁移到GPU上并将计算任务划分到多个线程内同时进行计算,再将计算结果传回已达到提高计算速率的效果。主要的用到的技术就是CUDA。但是CUDA有一个很大的缺点就是:要编写CUDA的代码工作量很大,通常情况下需要将原有的在CPU下可以运行的代码做大量的改动。而这一点正是Intel MIC架构的优势,通常情况下可以在CPU上直接运行的代码也可以在MIC卡上直接运行。如果想了解更多MIC的相关知识可以持续关注我的博客,我将在接下来对MIC进行更详细的介绍。
MIC编程主要有native模式、对称模式以及offload模式。native模式就是程序只在MIC卡上运行,并没有将CPU的运行效能全部运行起来;对称模式就是CPU和MIC卡运行的程序完全相同,可以看成是对等的节点;而offload模式则是以CPU上运行程序为主,但是将一些计算密集型的任务offload到MIC上进行运算。从代码的角度来看,在MIC上运行的并不是一套完整的代码,而只是一些代码片段。但是使用过offload模式进行大规模数值模式程序编写的人应该都有体会,offload的方式有这么两个缺点:1、数据传输会是一个瓶颈,很多时候不是运算不够快而是数据的传输跟不上;2、offload模式通常只适用于一些较为扁平的数据结构的操作。博主手头的程序都是大量使用了面向对象特性的程序,offload模式使用起来很麻烦,对于程序的结构也不能很好的维护。而针对这些问题,本着提高传输效率以及增强编码人员自由度的目的,Intel推出了COI(Coprocessor Offload Infrastructure)。
COI是MIC架构下的分载模式的一个库,mic虽然提供了通过简单的编译制导语句(#pragma offload target)的方式来将部fen代码和数据分载到Xeon Phi上进行计算。但这样的方式太过简单,且自由度较小。但如果使用COI,用户可以获取更大的自由度,包括控制CPU和MIC的同步,控制MIC卡上程序的创建和退出;起止端的异步操作;起止端的数据缓冲。为开发更加灵活的MIC程序提供了便利。
<span style="font-size:12px;">COIENGINE engine; COIFUNCTION func[1]; const char* SINK_NAME = "coi_simple_sink_mic"; // Make sure there is an Intel(r) Xeon Phi(tm) device available // CHECK_RESULT( COIEngineGetCount(COI_ISA_MIC, &num_engines)); printf("%u engines available\n", num_engines); // If there isn't at least one engine, there is something wrong // if (num_engines < 1) { printf("ERROR: Need at least 1 engine\n"); return -1; }</span>
Process Management:COIProcess
- 抽象sink端的进程的运行
- 提供开启和停止远程进程的各种API已经load动态链接库
- 提供在远端查询函数并执行函数的功能
COIRESULT result = COI_ERROR; COIPROCESS proc; COIENGINE engine; result = COIProcessCreateFromFile( engine, // The engine to create the process on. SINK_NAME, // The local path to the sink side binary to launch. 0, NULL, // argc and argv for the sink process. false, NULL, // Environment variables to set for the sink process. true, NULL, // Enable the proxy but don't specify a proxy root path. 0, // The amount of memory to pre-allocate // and register for use with COIBUFFERs. NULL, // Path to search for dependencies &proc // The resulting process handle. ); if (result != COI_SUCCESS) { printf("COIProcessCreateFromFile result %s\n", COIResultGetName(result)); return -1; } printf("Sink process created, press enter to destroy it.\n"); getchar(); // Destroy the process // result = COIProcessDestroy( proc, // Process handle to be destroyed -1, // Wait indefinitely until main() (on sink side) returns false, // Don't force to exit. Let it finish executing // functions enqueued and exit gracefully &sink_return, // Don't care about the exit result. &exit_reason ); if (result != COI_SUCCESS) { printf("COIProcessDestroy result %s\n", COIResultGetName(result)); return -1; }
COIPipeline类似于RPC(Remote Procedure Call)的机制,可以讲一系列指令序列插入到COIPipeline中,这些指令可以顺序地在sink端执行,这里的指令序列主要是要在远程调用的函数序列。其主要有以下几个重要的性质:
- 在COIPipeline中插入的函数会在sink端按序执行。
- COIPipeline就是一种远程调用的机制。因为可以在远端调用完整函数,所以有了比单一offload更多的自由度。
- COIPipeline在插入函数时除了插入该函数需要的参数外,还可以传递一块buffer
- 从source到sink端的数据传输使用的是SCIF
CHECK_RESULT( COIProcessCreateFromFile( engine, // The engine to create the process on. SINK_NAME, // The local path to the sink side binary to launch. 0, NULL, // argc and argv for the sink process. false, NULL, // Environment variables to set for the sink // process. true, NULL, // Enable the proxy but don't specify a proxy root // path. 0, // The amount of memory to pre-allocate // and register for use with COIBUFFERs. NULL, // Path to search for dependencies &proc // The resulting process handle. )); printf("Created sink process %s\n", SINK_NAME); // Pipeline: // After a sink side process is created, multiple pipelines can be created // to that process. Pipelines are queues where functions(represented by // COIFUNCTION) to be executed on sink side can be enqueued. // The following call creates a pipeline associated with process created // earlier. CHECK_RESULT( COIPipelineCreate( proc, // Process to associate the pipeline with NULL, // Do not set any sink thread affinity for the pipeline 0, // Use the default stack size for the pipeline thread &pipeline // Handle to the new pipeline )); printf("Created pipeline\n"); // Retrieve handle to function belonging to sink side process const char* func_name = "Foo"; CHECK_RESULT( COIProcessGetFunctionHandles( proc, // Process to query for the function 1, // The number of functions to look up &func_name, // The name of the function to look up func // A handle to the function )); printf("Got handle to sink function %s\n", func_name); const char *misc_data = "Hello COI"; int strlength = (int)strlen(misc_data) + 1; // Enough to hold the return value char* return_value = (char*) malloc(strlength); if (return_value == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to allocate return value\n"); return -1; } // Enqueue the function for execution // Pass in misc_data and return value pointer to run function // Get an event to wait on until the run function completion CHECK_RESULT( COIPipelineRunFunction( pipeline, func[0], // Pipeline handle and function handle 0, NULL, NULL, // Buffers and access flags 0, NULL, // Input dependencies misc_data, strlength, // Misc Data to pass to the function return_value, strlength, // Return values that will be passed back &completion_event // Event to signal when it completes )); printf("Called sink function %s(\"%s\" [%d bytes])\n", func_name, misc_data, strlength); // Now wait indefinitely for the function to complete CHECK_RESULT( COIEventWait( 1, // Number of events to wait for &completion_event, // Event handles -1, // Wait indefinitely true, // Wait for all events NULL, NULL // Number of events signaled // and their indices )); printf("Function returned \"%s\"\n", return_value);
// main is automatically called whenever the source creates a process. // However, once main exits, the process that was created exits. int main(int argc, char** argv) { UNUSED_ATTR COIRESULT result; UNREFERENCED_PARAM (argc); UNREFERENCED_PARAM (argv); // Functions enqueued on the sink side will not start executing until // you call COIPipelineStartExecutingRunFunctions(). This call is to // synchronize any initialization required on the sink side result = COIPipelineStartExecutingRunFunctions(); assert(result == COI_SUCCESS); // This call will wait until COIProcessDestroy() gets called on the source // side. If COIProcessDestroy is called without force flag set, this call // will make sure all the functions enqueued are executed and does all // clean up required to exit gracefully. COIProcessWaitForShutdown(); return 0; } // Prototype of run function that can be retrieved on the source side. // Copies misc data to return pointer. COINATIVELIBEXPORT void Foo (uint32_t in_BufferCount, void** in_ppBufferPointers, uint64_t* in_pBufferLengths, void* in_pMiscData, uint16_t in_MiscDataLength, void* in_pReturnValue, uint16_t in_ReturnValueLength) { UNREFERENCED_PARAM(in_BufferCount); UNREFERENCED_PARAM(in_ppBufferPointers); UNREFERENCED_PARAM(in_pBufferLengths); UNREFERENCED_PARAM(in_pMiscData); UNREFERENCED_PARAM(in_MiscDataLength); assert (in_MiscDataLength>=in_ReturnValueLength); if(in_pMiscData!=NULL && in_pReturnValue!=NULL) { memcpy(in_pReturnValue, in_pMiscData, in_ReturnValueLength); } }
- Buffer用于在source和sink端的数据传输,buffer可以使source和sink端的读写异步,隐藏掉通信延迟。
- Buffer可能是位于device也可能是位于host端的物理内存中。
- Buffer实际是利用SCIF的内存窗口实现的
- 数据的传输实际利用的是readfrom/writeto API
- map操作可以访问到buffer对应的区域,而不需要将其数据移到host上
// This tutorial demonstrates: // 1. Registering a User event // 2. Pass the event to the sink side // 3. Signaling the event from the sink side and using it // to synchronize on the source side. // It first enqueues a run function with a registered user event (which // is not signaled) as input dependency. Then a second function is enqueued // on a different pipeline that signals the user event. // User events are one shot events. Once they are signaled they // can't be signaled again. You have to register them again to enable // signaling. </span><span style="font-family:SimSun;"><span style="font-size:12px;">... //Create two pipelines CHECK_RESULT( COIPipelineCreate( proc, // Process to associate the pipeline with NULL, // Do not set any sink thread affinity for the pipeline 0, // Use the default stack size for the pipeline thread &pipeline[0] // Handle to the new pipeline )); CHECK_RESULT( COIPipelineCreate( proc, // Process to associate the pipeline with NULL, // Do not set any sink thread affinity for the pipeline 0, // Use the default stack size for the pipeline thread &pipeline[1] // Handle to the new pipeline )); printf("Created sink process %s and two pipelines\n", SINK_NAME); // Retrieve handle to functions belonging to sink side process const char* names[] = {"Return2","SignalUserEvent"}; CHECK_RESULT( COIProcessGetFunctionHandles( proc, // Process to query for the function 2, // The number of functions to query names, // The name of the function func // A handle to the function )); printf("Got handles to functions %s and %s\n", names[0], names[1]); uint64_t return_value = 0; COIEVENT user_event; // Register this event so that it can be signaled CHECK_RESULT( COIEventRegisterUserEvent(&user_event)); printf("Registered user event\n"); // Now pass this registered user event as an input dependency to the run // function. This run function will not be started until the user event // is signaled. CHECK_RESULT( COIPipelineRunFunction( pipeline[0], func[0], // Pipeline handle and function // handle 0, NULL, NULL, // Buffers and access flags to // pass to the function 1, &user_event, // Input dependencies NULL, 0, // Misc data to pass to // the function &return_value, sizeof(return_value), // Return value passed back // from the function &completion_event // Event to signal when // the function is complete )); printf("Enqueued sink function %s depending on user event\n", names[0]); // Sleep for 2 sec which is enough for run function to be started on sink // side #ifndef _WIN32 sleep(2); #else Sleep(2000); #endif // Now try waiting for the completion_event. It should return // COI_TIME_OUT_REACHED (as the event isn't signaled) if(COIEventWait(1, &completion_event, 0, true, NULL, NULL) != COI_TIME_OUT_REACHED) { printf("Error: Did not execute as expected\n"); return -1; } printf("As expected, event wait timed out\n"); // User event handles can be passed down to run function as misc // data (or via buffers) and on sink side can be type-casted back to // COIEVENT object to signal them. CHECK_RESULT( COIPipelineRunFunction( pipeline[1], func[1], // Pipeline handle and function // handle 0, NULL, NULL, // Buffers and access flags to // pass to the function 0, NULL, // Input dependencies &user_event, sizeof(user_event), // Misc data to pass to // the function NULL,0, // Return value passed back // from the function NULL // Event to signal when // the function is complete )); printf("Enqueued sink function %s passing user event as misc arg\n", names[1]); // Wait until the user event is signaled CHECK_RESULT( COIEventWait( 1, // Number of events to wait for &user_event, // Event handles -1, // Wait indefinitely true, // Wait for all events NULL, NULL // Number of events signaled // and their indices )); printf("Successfully waited for user event (signaled sink side)\n"); // Once a user event is signaled the first run function will be able to // proceed. Wait until the function finishes (-1 wait indefinite) CHECK_RESULT( COIEventWait( 1, // Number of events to wait for &completion_event, // Event handles -1, // Wait indefinitely true, // Wait for all events NULL, NULL // Number of events signaled // and their indices )); printf("Sink function %s completed since user event signaled\n", names[0]); // Unregister the event to cleanup CHECK_RESULT( COIEventUnregisterUserEvent(user_event));
// main is automatically called whenever the source creates a process. // However, once main exits, the process that was created exits. int main(int argc, char** argv) { UNUSED_ATTR COIRESULT result; UNREFERENCED_PARAM (argc); UNREFERENCED_PARAM (argv); // Functions enqueued on the sink side will not start executing until // you call COIPipelineStartExecutingRunFunctions() // This call is to synchronize any initialization required on the sink side result = COIPipelineStartExecutingRunFunctions(); assert(result == COI_SUCCESS); // This call will wait until COIProcessDestroy() gets called on the source // side. If COIProcessDestroy is called without force flag set, this call // will make sure all the functions enqueued are executed and does all // clean up required to exit gracefully. COIProcessWaitForShutdown(); return 0; } // Prototype of run functions that can be retrieved on the sink side // This Function just returns 2 COINATIVELIBEXPORT void Return2(uint32_t in_BufferCount, void** in_ppBufferPointers, uint64_t* in_pBufferLengths, void* in_pMiscData, uint16_t in_MiscDataLength, void* in_pReturnValue, uint16_t in_ReturnValueLength) { UNREFERENCED_PARAM(in_BufferCount); UNREFERENCED_PARAM(in_ppBufferPointers); UNREFERENCED_PARAM(in_pBufferLengths); UNREFERENCED_PARAM(in_pMiscData); UNREFERENCED_PARAM(in_MiscDataLength); if (sizeof(uint64_t) <= in_ReturnValueLength) { *(uint64_t*)(in_pReturnValue) = 2; } } //Assumes a user_event is passed as Misc_data and signals it COINATIVELIBEXPORT void SignalUserEvent(uint32_t in_BufferCount, void** in_ppBufferPointers, uint64_t* in_pBufferLengths, void* in_pMiscData, uint16_t in_MiscDataLength, void* in_pReturnValue, uint16_t in_ReturnValueLength) { UNREFERENCED_PARAM(in_BufferCount); UNREFERENCED_PARAM(in_ppBufferPointers); UNREFERENCED_PARAM(in_pBufferLengths); UNREFERENCED_PARAM(in_MiscDataLength); UNREFERENCED_PARAM(in_pReturnValue); UNREFERENCED_PARAM(in_ReturnValueLength); COIEVENT user_event; assert(in_pMiscData != NULL); assert(in_MiscDataLength >= sizeof(user_event)); memcpy(&user_event, in_pMiscData, sizeof(user_event)); COIEventSignalUserEvent(user_event); }