

CCUserDefault acts as a tiny database.
     You can save and get base type values by it. For example, setBoolForKey("played", true) will add a bool value true into the database. Its key is "played". You can get the value of the key by getBoolForKey("played").

     It supports the following base types: bool, int, float, double, string

CCUserDefault  是一个简单的数据库,它支持bool, int, float, double, string 5种数据的处理。  如果,你懂得Android的sharedpreferences,又你就完全理解这个类的作用!


bool 	getBoolForKey (const char *pKey)

 	Get bool value by key, if the key doesn't exist, a default value will return. 

bool 	getBoolForKey (const char *pKey, bool defaultValue)

int 	getIntegerForKey (const char *pKey)

 	Get integer value by key, if the key doesn't exist, a default value will return. 

int 	getIntegerForKey (const char *pKey, int defaultValue)

float 	getFloatForKey (const char *pKey)

 	Get float value by key, if the key doesn't exist, a default value will return. 

float 	getFloatForKey (const char *pKey, float defaultValue)

double 	getDoubleForKey (const char *pKey)

 	Get double value by key, if the key doesn't exist, a default value will return. 

double 	getDoubleForKey (const char *pKey, double defaultValue)

std::string 	getStringForKey (const char *pKey)

 	Get string value by key, if the key doesn't exist, a default value will return. 

std::string 	getStringForKey (const char *pKey, const std::string &defaultValue)

void 	setBoolForKey (const char *pKey, bool value)

 	Set bool value by key. 

void 	setIntegerForKey (const char *pKey, int value)

 	Set integer value by key. 

void 	setFloatForKey (const char *pKey, float value)

 	Set float value by key. 

void 	setDoubleForKey (const char *pKey, double value)

 	Set double value by key. 

void 	setStringForKey (const char *pKey, const std::string &value)

 	Set string value by key. 

void 	flush ()

 	Save content to xml file. 

static CCUserDefault * 	sharedUserDefault ()
static void 	purgeSharedUserDefault ()

static const std::string & 	getXMLFilePath ()
static bool 	isXMLFileExist ()


// change the value
CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault()->setStringForKey("string", "value2");
CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault()->setIntegerForKey("integer", 11);
CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault()->setFloatForKey("float", 2.5f);
CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault()->setDoubleForKey("double", 2.6);
CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault()->setBoolForKey("bool", false);


// print value
ret = CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault()->getStringForKey("string");
CCLOG("string is %s", ret.c_str());
d = CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault()->getDoubleForKey("double");
CCLOG("double is %f", d);
i = CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault()->getIntegerForKey("integer");
CCLOG("integer is %d", i);
f = CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault()->getFloatForKey("float");
CCLOG("float is %f", f);
b = CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault()->getBoolForKey("bool");



