本代码实现的具体功能,是通过python来模仿登陆 ‘电子科技大学’ 的教务系统,然后爬取成绩单。
1. 查看字典变量‘postdata_raw’是否需要更新(因为我完成的日期是2016年4月4日,代码里面有注释,可能网站有更改)
2. 将username 和 password 这两个key赋值
1. 所有的‘*url’变量改成你想爬取得网站,同时还要更改大部分的网页处理方式;
2. postdata_raw 这个字典变量可能需要新增或者删除某些key;
3. 输入username 和 password。
# this is a python program for scrawl the all semester grade in UESTC # please filing the username and the password # finish date: April 4th, 2016 import urllib import urllib2 import cookielib from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import lxml filename = 'cookie.txt' grade_htmlfile = 'grade_all.html' # all_gradefilename = 'grade_all.txt' # all_gradefile = open(all_gradefilename, 'w') grade_html_open = open(grade_htmlfile, 'w') cookie = cookielib.MozillaCookieJar(filename) opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookie)) postdata_raw = { 'username':'', # filing the blank of your username 'password':'', # filing the blank of your password 'dllt':'userNamePasswordLogin', '_eventId':'submit', 'rmShown':'1', 'lt': ' ', 'execution': ' ', } # print postdata, type(postdata) loginUrl = 'http://idas.uestc.edu.cn/authserver/login?service=http://portal.uestc.edu.cn/index.portal' first_result = opener.open(loginUrl) # first, get the lt and execution of the HTML html = first_result.read() soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml') lt_string = str(soup.find_all('input')[2]) # print soup.find_all('input') lt_value_raw = lt_string.split('=')[3] # print lt_value_raw lt_value = lt_value_raw.strip("\"").strip("\"/>") postdata_raw['lt'] = lt_value # print lt_value execu_string = str(soup.find_all('input')[4]) execu_value_raw = execu_string.split('=')[-1] execu_value = execu_value_raw.strip("\"").strip("\"/>") postdata_raw['execution'] = execu_value postdata = urllib.urlencode(postdata_raw) # print postdata loginUrl_login = 'http://idas.uestc.edu.cn/authserver/login' # the url for postdata loginUrl_success = loginUrl+ '&' + postdata print loginUrl_success success_login_result = opener.open(loginUrl_success) # second_urllib2_result = urllib2.urlopen(loginUrl_success) # success_second_urllib2_html = second_urllib2_result.read() # success_second_html = second_result.read() # third_result = opener.open("http://portal.uestc.edu.cn/index.portal") # success_third_html = third_result.read() grade_all_url = 'http://eams.uestc.edu.cn/eams/teach/grade/course/person!historyCourseGrade.action?projectType=MAJOR' grade_all_result = opener.open(grade_all_url) grade_all_html = grade_all_result.read() grade_html_open.write(grade_all_html) grade_html_open.flush() grade_html_open.close() # post_result = opener.open() # print excu_value # print html # cookie.save(ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True) # gradeUrl = 'http://jwxt.sdu.edu.cn:7890/pls/wwwbks/bkscjcx.curscopre' # result = opener.open(gradeUrl) # print result.read()