CloudFoundry:V2版本-v149+(本文后续章节中的Manifest适用于149+版本的CF Release)
CloudFoundry目前官方的版本为V2版,release最新发布为149,不过CloudFoundry在GitHub上的仓库代码贡献非常频繁,一般只要提出有BUG,很快就会有修改并提交,所以,最好的部署方式是直接下载源码,创建dev版的release进行部署,当然,也可以直接使用官方发布的release进行打包部署,本文中使用149.1-dev进行打包部署,如果要使用官方release,指定release路径即可,如:bosh create release release/cf-149.yml。
- root@bosh-cli:~# mkdir -p ~/src/cloudfoundry
- root@bosh-cli:~# cd ~/src/cloudfoundry
- root@bosh-cli:~/src/cloudfoundry# git clone -b release-candidate git://github.com/cloudfoundry/cf-release.git
- root@bosh-cli:~/src/cloudfoundry# cd cf-release
- root@bosh-cli:~/src/cloudfoundry/cf-release# ./update
下载并更新完毕之后,执行以下命令创建release包,这是一个相当漫长的过程,中间还会发生多次中断,只要重新执行bosh create release --force即可:
说明:bosh create release --force 是使用最新的CloudFoundry源码创建release-dev包,可能会存在一些奇怪的BUG或者错误、问题,好处就是使用这种方式构建release-dev包,下次代码更新后,再进行打包速度会比较快。若过程中出现问题,可以使用经过测试发布的release包,打包方式:bosh create release releases/cf-149.yml,会在releases目录下生成一个tgz的压缩包,之后执行bosh upload releases/cf-149.tgz上传release包即可。
3、切换bosh target到Bosh的Director并创建新用户
- root@bosh-cli:~/src/cloudfoundry/cf-release# bosh target
- Target set to `bosh'
- root@bosh-cli:~/src/cloudfoundry/cf-release# bosh login
- Your username: admin
- Enter password: *****
- Logged in as `admin'
- root@bosh-cli:~/src/cloudfoundry/cf-release# bosh create user
- Enter new username: venusource
- Enter new password: **********
- Verify new password: **********
- User `venusource' has been created
- root@bosh-cli:~/src/cloudfoundry/cf-release# bosh login
- Your username: venusource
- Enter password: **********
- Logged in as `venusource'
- root@bosh-cli:~/src/cloudfoundry/cf-release# bosh upload stemcell ~/bosh-workspace/stemcells/<span style="font-family: Consolas, 'Courier New', Courier, mono, serif; line-height: 18px;">b</span>osh-stemcell-latest-openstack-kvm-ubuntu.tgz
- Verifying stemcell...
- File exists and readable OK
- Using cached manifest...
- Stemcell properties OK
- Stemcell info
- -------------
- Name: bosh-stemcell
- Version: 776
- Checking if stemcell already exists...
- No
- Uploading stemcell...
- latest-bosh-s: 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| 251.3MB 11.0MB/s Time: 00:00:22
- Director task 1
- Update stemcell
- extracting stemcell archive (00:00:12)
- verifying stemcell manifest (00:00:00)
- checking if this stemcell already exists (00:00:00)
- uploading stemcell bosh-stemcell/776 to the cloud (00:02:05)
- save stemcell bosh-stemcell/776 (4e433167-acf2-41b0-b691-934684a63e52) (00:00:00)
- Done 5/5 00:02:17
- Task 1 done
- Started 2013-12-17 07:03:06 UTC
- Finished 2013-12-17 07:05:23 UTC
- Duration 00:02:17
- Stemcell uploaded and created
- root@bosh-cli:~/src/cloudfoundry/cf-release# bosh upload release
- ....
- Release has been created
- cf-release/149.1-dev (00:00:00)
- Done 1/1 00:00:00
- Task 2 done
- Started 2013-12-18 01:59:30 UTC
- Finished 2013-12-18 02:02:20 UTC
- Duration 00:02:50
- Release uploaded
- root@bosh-cli:~# bosh releases
- +------------+------------+-------------+
- | Name | Versions | Commit Hash |
- +------------+------------+-------------+
- | cf-release | 149.1-dev* | 27784f08 |
- +------------+------------+-------------+
- (*) Currently deployed
- (+) Uncommitted changes
- Releases total: 3
- root@bosh-cli:~# bosh stemcells
- +---------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------+
- | Name | Version | CID |
- +---------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------+
- | bosh-openstack-kvm-ubuntu | 1478 | 316501e1-482d-472d-9fd9-b71a7b1223ee |
- +---------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------+
- Stemcells total: 1
- root@bosh-cli:~/src/cloudfoundry/cf-release# cd ~/bosh-workspace/deployments/
- root@bosh-cli:~/bosh-workspace/deployments# vi cf-149.yml
- ---
- name: cf
- director_uuid: 785aa0a6-87c7-4452-a862-c118afc90b37
- releases:
- - name: cf-release
- version: latest
- networks:
- - name: floating
- type: vip
- cloud_properties: {}
- - name: default
- type: dynamic
- cloud_properties:
- security_groups:
- - default
- update:
- canaries: 1
- canary_watch_time: 30000-60000
- update_watch_time: 30000-60000
- max_in_flight: 4
- compilation:
- workers: 6
- network: default
- reuse_compilation_vms: true
- cloud_properties:
- instance_type: v1.medium
- resource_pools:
- - name: small
- network: default
- size: 4
- stemcell:
- name: bosh-openstack-kvm-ubuntu
- version: latest
- cloud_properties:
- instance_type: v1.small
- - name: medium
- network: default
- size: 0
- stemcell:
- name: bosh-openstack-kvm-ubuntu
- version: latest
- cloud_properties:
- instance_type: v1.medium
- jobs:
- - name: data
- release: cf-release
- template:
- - postgres
- - debian_nfs_server
- instances: 1
- resource_pool: small
- persistent_disk: 4096
- networks:
- - name: default
- default:
- - dns
- - gateway
- properties:
- db: databases
- - name: core
- release: cf-release
- template:
- - syslog_aggregator
- - nats
- - health_manager_next
- - uaa
- instances: 1
- resource_pool: small
- networks:
- - name: default
- default:
- - dns
- - gateway
- - name: api
- release: cf-release
- template:
- - cloud_controller_ng
- - gorouter
- instances: 1
- resource_pool: small
- networks:
- - name: default
- default:
- - dns
- - gateway
- - name: floating
- static_ips:
- -
- properties:
- db: databases
- - name: dea
- release: cf-release
- template:
- - dea_next
- instances: 1
- resource_pool: small
- networks:
- - name: default
- default: [dns, gateway]
- properties:
- cf:
- name: cf
- dns: vsc.com
- ip_addresses: [""]
- deployment_size: medium
- security_group: default
- persistent_disk: 4096
- common_password: c1oudc0w
- dea_server_ram: 4096
- domain: vsc.com
- system_domain: vsc.com.com
- system_domain_organization: system_domain
- app_domains:
- - vsc.com
- networks:
- apps: default
- management: default
- nats:
- address: 0.core.default.cf.bosh
- machines:
- - 0.core.default.cf.bosh
- port: 4222
- user: nats
- password: c1oudc0w
- authorization_timeout: 5
- router:
- address: 0.api.default.cf.bosh
- port: 8081
- status:
- port: 8080
- user: gorouter
- password: c1oudc0w
- dea: &dea
- memory_mb: 4096
- disk_mb: 10240
- directory_server_protocol: http
- dea_next: *dea
- syslog_aggregator:
- address: 0.core.default.cf.bosh
- port: 54321
- nfs_server:
- address: 0.data.default.cf.bosh
- network: "*.cf.bosh"
- idmapd_domain: vsc.com
- debian_nfs_server:
- no_root_squash: true
- databases: &databases
- db_scheme: postgres
- address: 0.data.default.cf.bosh
- port: 5524
- roles:
- - tag: admin
- name: ccadmin
- password: c1oudc0w
- - tag: admin
- name: uaaadmin
- password: c1oudc0w
- databases:
- - tag: cc
- name: ccdb
- citext: true
- - tag: uaa
- name: uaadb
- citext: true
- ccdb: &ccdb
- db_scheme: postgres
- address: 0.data.default.cf.bosh
- port: 5524
- roles:
- - tag: admin
- name: ccadmin
- password: c1oudc0w
- databases:
- - tag: cc
- name: ccdb
- citext: true
- ccdb_ng: *ccdb
- uaadb:
- db_scheme: postgresql
- address: 0.data.default.cf.bosh
- port: 5524
- roles:
- - tag: admin
- name: uaaadmin
- password: c1oudc0w
- databases:
- - tag: uaa
- name: uaadb
- citext: true
- cc_api_version: v2
- cc: &cc
- logging_level: debug
- external_host: api
- srv_api_uri: http://api.vsc.com
- cc_partition: default
- db_encryption_key: c1oudc0w
- bootstrap_admin_email: [email protected]
- bulk_api_password: c1oudc0w
- uaa_resource_id: cloud_controller
- staging_upload_user: uploaduser
- staging_upload_password: c1oudc0w
- resource_pool:
- resource_directory_key: cc-resources
- # Local provider when using NFS
- fog_connection:
- provider: Local
- packages:
- app_package_directory_key: cc-packages
- droplets:
- droplet_directory_key: cc-droplets
- default_quota_definition: runaway
- ccng: *cc
- login:
- enabled: false
- uaa:
- url: http://uaa.vsc.com
- spring_profiles: postgresql
- no_ssl: true
- catalina_opts: -Xmx768m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
- resource_id: account_manager
- jwt:
- signing_key: |
- MIICXAIBAAKBgQDHFr+KICms+tuT1OXJwhCUmR2dKVy7psa8xzElSyzqx7oJyfJ1
- JZyOzToj9T5SfTIq396agbHJWVfYphNahvZ/7uMXqHxf+ZH9BL1gk9Y6kCnbM5R6
- 0gfwjyW1/dQPjOzn9N394zd2FJoFHwdq9Qs0wBugspULZVNRxq7veq/fzwIDAQAB
- AoGBAJ8dRTQFhIllbHx4GLbpTQsWXJ6w4hZvskJKCLM/o8R4n+0W45pQ1xEiYKdA
- Z/DRcnjltylRImBD8XuLL8iYOQSZXNMb1h3g5/UGbUXLmCgQLOUUlnYt34QOQm+0
- KvUqfMSFBbKMsYBAoQmNdTHBaz3dZa8ON9hh/f5TT8u0OWNRAkEA5opzsIXv+52J
- duc1VGyX3SwlxiE2dStW8wZqGiuLH142n6MKnkLU4ctNLiclw6BZePXFZYIK+AkE
- xQ+k16je5QJBAN0TIKMPWIbbHVr5rkdUqOyezlFFWYOwnMmw/BKa1d3zp54VP/P8
- +5aQ2d4sMoKEOfdWH7UqMe3FszfYFvSu5KMCQFMYeFaaEEP7Jn8rGzfQ5HQd44ek
- lQJqmq6CE2BXbY/i34FuvPcKU70HEEygY6Y9d8J3o6zQ0K9SYNu+pcXt4lkCQA3h
- jJQQe5uEGJTExqed7jllQ0khFJzLMx0K6tj0NeeIzAaGCQz13oo2sCdeGRHO4aDh
- HH6Qlq/6UOV5wP8+GAcCQFgRCcB+hrje8hfEEefHcFpyKH+5g1Eu1k0mLrxK2zd+
- 4SlotYRHgPCEubokb2S1zfZDWIXW3HmggnGgM949TlY=
- verification_key: |
- -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
- KVy7psa8xzElSyzqx7oJyfJ1JZyOzToj9T5SfTIq396agbHJWVfYphNahvZ/7uMX
- qHxf+ZH9BL1gk9Y6kCnbM5R60gfwjyW1/dQPjOzn9N394zd2FJoFHwdq9Qs0wBug
- spULZVNRxq7veq/fzwIDAQAB
- -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
- cc:
- client_secret: c1oudc0w
- admin:
- client_secret: c1oudc0w
- batch:
- username: batchuser
- password: c1oudc0w
- client:
- autoapprove:
- - cf
- clients:
- cf:
- override: true
- authorized-grant-types: password,implicit,refresh_token
- authorities: uaa.none
- scope: cloud_controller.read,cloud_controller.write,openid,password.write,cloud_controller.admin,scim.read,scim.write
- access-token-validity: 7200
- refresh-token-validity: 1209600
- scim:
- users:
- - admin|c1oudc0w|scim.write,scim.read,openid,cloud_controller.admin
- - services|c1oudc0w|scim.write,scim.read,openid,cloud_controller.admin
director_uuid:修改为Bosh Director的UUID,可以通过bosh status查看;
releases的name属性,修改为之前创建CloudFoundry的Release包时输入的包名;修改为可用的Floating IP;
vsc.com:域名,CF平台不能通过IP直接访问使用,必须配置域名,可以自己任意写个域名,然后配置本地DNS Server进行解析即可;
- root@bosh-cli:~/bosh-workspace/deployments# bosh deployment cf-149.yml
- root@bosh-cli:~/bosh-workspace/deployments# bosh deploy
- Getting deployment properties from director...
- Unable to get properties list from director, trying without it...
- Compiling deployment manifest...
- Cannot get current deployment information from director, possibly a new deployment
- Please review all changes carefully
- Deploying `cf-149.yml' to `bosh' (type 'yes' to continue): yes
- Director task 10
- Preparing deployment
- binding deployment (00:00:00)
- binding releases (00:00:00)
- binding existing deployment (00:00:00)
- binding resource pools (00:00:00)
- binding stemcells (00:00:00)
- binding templates (00:00:01)
- binding properties (00:00:00)
- binding unallocated VMs (00:00:00)
- binding instance networks (00:00:00)
- Done 9/9 00:00:01
- Preparing package compilation
- Preparing DNS
- binding DNS (00:00:00)
- Done 1/1 00:00:00
- Creating bound missing VMs
- small/0 (00:00:42)
- small/1 (00:00:57)
- small/2 (00:01:02)
- small/3 (00:01:10)
- Done 4/4 00:01:10
- Binding instance VMs
- data/0 (00:00:01)
- dea/0 (00:00:01)
- core/0 (00:00:01)
- api/0 (00:00:01)
- Done 4/4 00:00:01
- Preparing configuration
- binding configuration (00:00:02)
- Done 1/1 00:00:02
- Updating job data
- data/0 (canary) (00:00:53)
- Done 1/1 00:00:53
- Updating job core
- core/0 (canary) (00:01:08)
- Done 1/1 00:01:08
- Updating job api
- api/0 (canary) (00:01:04)
- Done 1/1 00:01:04
- Updating job dea
- dea/0 (canary) (00:03:20)
- Done 1/1 00:03:20
- Task 10 done
- Started 2013-12-18 11:20:53 UTC
- Finished 2013-12-18 11:29:37 UTC
- Duration 00:08:44
- Deployed `cf-149.yml' to `bosh'
- root@bosh-cli:~/bosh-workspace/deployments# bosh delete deployment cf
- root@bosh-cli:~/bosh-workspace/deployments# bosh vms
- Deployment `cf'
- Director task 191
- Task 191 done
- +-----------+---------+---------------+--------------------------+
- | Job/index | State | Resource Pool | IPs |
- +-----------+---------+---------------+--------------------------+
- | api/0 | running | small |, |
- | core/0 | running | small | |
- | data/0 | running | small | |
- | dea/0 | running | small | |
- +-----------+---------+---------------+--------------------------+
- VMs total: 4
注意:请先配置DNS Server,对设置的虚拟域名(vsc.com)进行解析,参照文章:《配置DNS Server》和《配置OpenStack环境DNS》
- root@bosh-cli:~# cf target api.vsc.com
- Setting target to http://api.vsc.com... OK
- target: http://api.vsc.com
- organization: system_domain
- root@bosh-cli:~# cf login admin
- target: http://api.vsc.com
- Password> ********
- Authenticating... OK
- There are no spaces. You may want to create one with create-space.
- root@bosh-cli:~# cf create-org venusource
- Creating organization venusource... OK
- Switching to organization venusource... OK
- There are no spaces. You may want to create one with create-space.
- root@bosh-cli:~# cf create-space development
- Creating space development... OK
- Adding you as a manager... OK
- Adding you as a developer... OK
- Space created! Use `cf switch-space development` to target it.
- root@bosh-cli:~# cf switch-space development
- Switching to space development... OK
- target: http://api.vsc.com
- organization: venusource
- space: development
- root@bosh-cli:~# git clone https://github.com/cloudfoundry-community/cf_demoapp_ruby_rack.git
- root@bosh-cli:~# cd cf_demoapp_ruby_rack/
- root@bosh-cli:~/cf_demoapp_ruby_rack# rm manifest.yml
- root@bosh-cli:~/cf_demoapp_ruby_rack# bundle
- Resolving dependencies...
- Using rack (1.5.2)
- Using bundler (1.3.5)
- Your bundle is complete!
- Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
- root@bosh-cli:~/cf_demoapp_ruby_rack# cf push
- Name> hello
- Instances> 1
- 1: 128M
- 2: 256M
- 3: 512M
- 4: 1G
- Memory Limit> 1
- Creating hello... OK
- 1: hello
- 2: none
- Subdomain> hello
- 1: vsc.com
- 2: none
- Domain> mycloud.com
- Creating route hello.mycloud.com... OK
- Binding hello.mycloud.com to hello... OK
- Create services for application?> n
- Save configuration?> n
- Uploading hello... OK
- Starting hello... OK
- -----> Downloaded app package (4.0K)
- ....
- Checking hello...
- Staging in progress...
- 0/1 instances: 1 starting
- 0/1 instances: 1 starting
- 0/1 instances: 1 starting
- 1/1 instances: 1 running
- OK