WebRTC 支持使用自己的编解码器(限 native 开发),音频,视频都可以。这里以视频编码为例来分析下 WebRTC 中相应的源码。
在 webrtc/api/peerconnectioninterface.h 中有个方法 CreatePeerConnectionFactory,原型如下:
inline rtc::scoped_refptr<PeerConnectionFactoryInterface>
rtc::Thread* worker_and_network_thread,
rtc::Thread* signaling_thread,
AudioDeviceModule* default_adm,
rtc::scoped_refptr<AudioEncoderFactory> audio_encoder_factory,
rtc::scoped_refptr<AudioDecoderFactory> audio_decoder_factory,
cricket::WebRtcVideoEncoderFactory* video_encoder_factory,
cricket::WebRtcVideoDecoderFactory* video_decoder_factory);
可以看到, CreatePeerConnectionFactory 最后四个参数,允许我们提供自己的编解码工厂。这样我们就可以实现自己的 factory ,在 factory 中创建自己的 encoder(decoder),WebRTC 内部就会使用我们的 encoder(decoder)。
rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::PeerConnectionFactoryInterface> factory = webrtc::CreatePeerConnectionFactory(
current_thread, current_thread,
rtc::scoped_refptr<PeerConnectionInterface> peer_connection = factory->CreatePeerConnection(
config, constraints, NULL, NULL, your_observer);
这个接口在 webrtcvideoencoderfactory.h(webrtc/media/engine) 中定义:
class WebRtcVideoEncoderFactory {
// This VideoCodec class is deprecated. Use cricket::VideoCodec directly
// instead and the corresponding factory function. See
// http://crbug/webrtc/6402 for more info.
struct VideoCodec {
webrtc::VideoCodecType type;
std::string name;
VideoCodec(webrtc::VideoCodecType t, const std::string& nm)
: type(t), name(nm) {}
VideoCodec(webrtc::VideoCodecType t,
const std::string& nm,
int w,
int h,
int fr)
: type(t), name(nm) {}
virtual ~WebRtcVideoEncoderFactory() {}
// TODO(magjed): Make these functions pure virtual when every external client
// implements it. See http://crbug/webrtc/6402 for more info.
// Caller takes the ownership of the returned object and it should be released
// by calling DestroyVideoEncoder().
virtual webrtc::VideoEncoder* CreateVideoEncoder(
const cricket::VideoCodec& codec);
// Returns a list of supported codecs in order of preference.
virtual const std::vector<cricket::VideoCodec>& supported_codecs() const;
// Caller takes the ownership of the returned object and it should be released
// by calling DestroyVideoEncoder().
// Deprecated: Use cricket::VideoCodec as argument instead. See
// http://crbug/webrtc/6402 for more info.
virtual webrtc::VideoEncoder* CreateVideoEncoder(webrtc::VideoCodecType type);
// Returns a list of supported codecs in order of preference.
// Deprecated: Return cricket::VideoCodecs instead. See
// http://crbug/webrtc/6402 for more info.
virtual const std::vector<VideoCodec>& codecs() const;
// Returns true if encoders created by this factory of the given codec type
// will use internal camera sources, meaning that they don't require/expect
// frames to be delivered via webrtc::VideoEncoder::Encode. This flag is used
// as the internal_source parameter to
// webrtc::ViEExternalCodec::RegisterExternalSendCodec.
virtual bool EncoderTypeHasInternalSource(webrtc::VideoCodecType type) const {
return false;
virtual void DestroyVideoEncoder(webrtc::VideoEncoder* encoder) = 0;
// TODO(magjed): Remove these. They are necessary in order to return a const
// reference to a std::vector in the default implementations of codecs() and
// supported_codecs(). See http://crbug/webrtc/6402 for more info.
mutable std::vector<VideoCodec> encoder_codecs_;
mutable std::vector<cricket::VideoCodec> codecs_;
实现 WebRtcVideoEncoderFactory 接口,传递给 CreatePeerConnectionFactory 即可。可以参考 webrtc/media/engine 目录下的 internalencoderfactory.h 和 internalencoderfactory.cpp 。
以视频编码为例, webrtc/media/engine/webrtcvideoengine2.cc 中有段代码可以说明外部视频编码器和内部视频编码器之间的关系:
const VideoCodec& codec) {
// Do not re-create encoders of the same type.
if (codec == allocated_encoder_.codec &&
allocated_encoder_.encoder != nullptr) {
return allocated_encoder_;
// Try creating external encoder.
if (external_encoder_factory_ != nullptr &&
FindMatchingCodec(external_encoder_factory_->supported_codecs(), codec)) {
webrtc::VideoEncoder* encoder =
if (encoder != nullptr)
return AllocatedEncoder(encoder, codec, true /* is_external */);
// Try creating internal encoder.
if (FindMatchingCodec(internal_encoder_factory_->supported_codecs(), codec)) {
if (parameters_.encoder_config.content_type ==
webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig::ContentType::kScreen &&
parameters_.conference_mode && UseSimulcastScreenshare()) {
// TODO(sprang): Remove this adapter once libvpx supports simulcast with
// same-resolution substreams.
WebRtcSimulcastEncoderFactory adapter_factory(
return AllocatedEncoder(adapter_factory.CreateVideoEncoder(codec), codec,
false /* is_external */);
return AllocatedEncoder(
internal_encoder_factory_->CreateVideoEncoder(codec), codec,
false /* is_external */);
// This shouldn't happen, we should not be trying to create something we don't
// support.
return AllocatedEncoder(NULL, cricket::VideoCodec(), false);
可以看到,这里会先尝试调用 external_encoder_factory_ 创建外部的编码器,如果创建成功,用外部的,如果失败,再找内部的。
这里的 external_encoder_factory_ ,就是我们调用 CreatePeerConnectionFactory 时传入的那个 encoder factory 实例。