select smallRfunctions from ( SELECT smallRfunctions,count(resDepart) as num FROM paCuAssessment
where datediff(m,subDate,getDate())=0 group by bigRfunctions, smallRfunctions) m
where m.num >=(SELECT coeffValue
FROM PaCoefficient
WHERE (item = '责任部门下限'))
select * from dbo.PAtaskDataEntry where alarmScope is not null and datediff(m,taskDate,getdate())=1 and
convert(numeric(8,2),currentData) < convert(numeric(8,2),substring(alarmScope,0,charindex('-',alarmScope))) or
convert(numeric(8,2),currentData)> convert(numeric(8,2),substring(alarmScope,charindex('-',alarmScope)+1,len(alarmScope)))
declare @t table (c1 int,c2 int,c3 int,c4 int)
insert @t select 1,2,3,0
union all select 1,3,2,0
union all select 3,1,2,0
update @t set c4=(
case when c1>c2 and c1>c3 then c1
when c2>c1 and c2>c3 then c2
else c3 end