jsoncpp 使用详解
jsoncpp 主要包含三种类型的 class:Value、Reader、Writer。jsoncpp 中所有对象、类名都在 namespace Json 中,包含 json.h 即可。
Json::Value 只能处理 ANSI 类型的字符串,如果 C++ 程序是用 Unicode 编码的,最好加一个 Adapt 类来适配。
// TestJsoncppCode.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. 02.// 03. 04.#include "stdafx.h" 05. 06. 07.#include "include/json/json.h" 08.#include <fstream> 09.#include <string> 10. 11.#pragma comment(lib,"lib_json.lib") 12.using namespace std; 13. 14.#ifdef _DEBUG 15.#define new DEBUG_NEW 16.#endif 17. 18. 19.// The one and only application object 20. 21. 22.void WriteJsonData(const char* filename) 23.{ 24. Json::Reader reader; 25. Json::Value root; // Json::Value是一种很重要的类型,可以代表任意类型。如int, string, object, array... 26. 27. std::ifstream is; 28. is.open(filename, std::ios::binary); 29. if (reader.parse(is, root)) 30. { 31. Json::Value arrayObj; // 构建对象 32. Json::Value new_item, new_item1; 33. new_item["date"] = "2011-11-11"; 34. new_item1["time"] = "11:11:11"; 35. arrayObj.append(new_item); // 插入数组成员 36. arrayObj.append(new_item1); // 插入数组成员 37. int file_size = root["files"].size(); 38. for (int i = 0; i < file_size; ++i) 39. root["files"][i]["exifs"] = arrayObj; // 插入原json中 40. std::string out = root.toStyledString(); 41. // 输出无格式json字符串 42. Json::FastWriter writer; 43. std::string strWrite = writer.write(root); 44. std::ofstream ofs; 45. ofs.open("test_write.json"); 46. ofs << strWrite; 47. ofs.close(); 48. } 49. 50. is.close(); 51.} 52. 53.int ReadJsonFromFile(const char* filename) 54.{ 55. Json::Reader reader;// 解析json用Json::Reader 56. Json::Value root; // Json::Value是一种很重要的类型,可以代表任意类型。如int, string, object, array... 57. 58. std::ifstream is; 59. is.open(filename, std::ios::binary); 60. if (reader.parse(is, root, false)) 61. { 62. std::string code; 63. if (!root["files"].isNull()) // 访问节点,Access an object value by name, create a null member if it does not exist. 64. code = root["uploadid"].asString(); 65. 66. code = root.get("uploadid", "null").asString();// 访问节点,Return the member named key if it exist, defaultValue otherwise. 67. 68. int file_size = root["files"].size(); // 得到"files"的数组个数 69. for (int i = 0; i < file_size; ++i) // 遍历数组 70. { 71. Json::Value val_image = root["files"][i]["images"]; 72. int image_size = val_image.size(); 73. for (int j = 0; j < image_size; ++j) 74. { 75. std::string type = val_image[j]["type"].asString(); 76. std::string url = val_image[j]["url"].asString(); 77. printf("type : %s, url : %s \n", type.c_str(), url.c_str()); 78. } 79. } 80. } 81. is.close(); 82. 83. return 0; 84.} 85. 86.int main(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[]) 87.{ 88. int nRetCode = 0; 89. 90. 91. //1.从字符串解析json 92. const char* str = "{\"uploadid\": \"UP000000\",\"code\": 100,\"msg\": \"\",\"files\": \"\"}"; 93. 94. Json::Reader reader; 95. Json::Value root; 96. if (reader.parse(str, root)) // reader将Json字符串解析到root,root将包含Json里所有子元素 97. { 98. printf("--------------从字符串读取JSON---------------\n"); 99. std::string upload_id = root["uploadid"].asString(); // 访问节点,upload_id = "UP000000" 100. int code = root["code"].asInt(); // 访问节点,code = 100 101. 102. printf("upload_id : %s\ncode : %d \n", upload_id.c_str(), code); 103. } 104. 105. //2.从文件解析json 106. string sTempPath = "test_json.json"; 107. 108. printf("--------------从文件读取JSON---------------\n"); 109. ReadJsonFromFile(sTempPath.c_str()); 110. 111. 112. //3.向文件写入json 113. WriteJsonData(sTempPath.c_str()); 114. 115. system("pause"); 116. 117. return nRetCode; 118.}