svn rebase and merge

svn rebase and merge


[chkq76@chieftec DEV_youtube_4_4]$ svn pl .

eosu@leosu:/mnt/sda3/dev_iptv/DIGITALIS_telia_merge$ svn proplist .

Properties on '.':







[chkq76@chieftec DEV_youtube_4_4]$ svn pg svn:mergeinfo . >

$svn propget svn:mergeinfo | grep bsg/trunk

#svn merge --ignore-ancestry<A>/include<branch name>@<B>/include




export SVN_EDITOR=vi && svn propedit --revprop svn:log -r 129583

Developer--->>>WebSVN-->>    bsg/__>>tags/

svn merge 不同的目录,有冲突的时候,可以添加 --ignore-ancestry

Svn replace file and dir;

#svn st |grep  'R ' ; svn st |grep  ' R' ; svn st |grep  'C ' ; svn st |grep  ' C' 

In order to keep bsg/branches clean and also as an effort to make sure no commits are made on branches which are dead, bsg/deadwood has been introduced. 
svn mv

Resolving Subversion conflicts
[user@buildserver food]$ svn st 
[user@buildserver food]$ svn st | grep M

How to merge changes into a file which has been moved
cd <target component>
svn merge --ignore-ancestry component>@<r1> component>@<r2> . 

What to do about a conflict in an svn:mergeinfo property? 
This is how it would look like: 
Conflict for property 'svn:mergeinfo' discovered on 'common/cpp/event/unittests'.

Install on Fedora using yum install meld.
A diff and merge tool which can handle entire directories. It understands SVN and has a very nice handing of conflicts.
To look at SVN diffs/conflicts, simply start it with the file or directory in question as argument.

kdiff3 is a powerful merge tool. There are scripts in /home/tools/bin ( that allows you to use it together with svn merge like this (make sure you can show X output on your screen, download Xming if in Windows):






Leo, you can do the following on the merge branch to only record that a merge has been done without doing it.
This will skip that revision when merging a larger span where that revision is included then.
svn merge --record-only -c<rev> commit -m "Blocked 

This may lead to a situation where you have to run the merge command several times when doing the actual merge.
Since svn will divide the merge in to several intervals (between the skipped revisions), and will stop after a conflict is found in a merge interval.

When merging, this this command is useful to see that you have merged (and blocked) so far (run from the root of the branch)
svn pg svn:mergeinfo . | grep /DIGITALIS_telia:






extern merge:


[chkq76@brora DEV_telia42_overblue]$svn propget svn:externals

[chkq76@brora DEV_telia42_overblue]$ svn propget svn:externals .

svn propget svn:externals .


export SVN_EDITOR=vi && svn propedit svn:externals -r  133137

$svn pe svn:externals


[chkq76@brora hai]$ pwd
[chkq76@brora hai]$ svn info .

[chkq76@brora hai]$ svn propget svn:externals .

include -r 133137

extern ignore:


[chkq76@brora DIGITALIS_telia_merge]$ svn propget svn:ignore  products/ip-stb/boot_image/custom/


编辑 ignore属性

export SVN_EDITOR=vi && svn propedit svn:ignore   products/ip-stb/boot_image/custom/ 


$ svn mkdir spool 

$ svn propset svn:ignore '*' spool 

$ svn ci -m 'Adding "spool" and ignoring its contents.'


$ mkdir spool 

$ svn propset svn:ignore 'spool' . 

$ svn ci -m 'Ignoring a directory called "spool".'


$ svn export spool spool-tmp 

$ svn rm spool 

$ svn ci -m 'Removing inadvertently added directory "spool".' 

$ mv spool-tmp spool 

$ svn propset svn:ignore 'spool' . 

$ svn ci -m 'Ignoring a directory called "spool".' 




svn revert some version:


#svn merge -c -217085

Can you please revert your commit by creating a branch, running 

"svn merge -c -214582" on it, 



Rebase and merge back to trunk sample(ITEM_P1826):

0) Add you merge item to East asia queue in
#  Branch name      Merge requester (Name + core id)      Description
1  ITEM_P1826     Mike Zheng hrjp48                      Set timezone from config file 

Notes: if you are not the first one or not in merge time 05:00-17:00 CST (23:00-11:00 CET), you must wait till the two conditions are OK!

1) telnet remote server
ssh [email protected]
password: xxx

2) change to your working foler: /extra/trxc47
cd /extra/trxc47

3) check out or update to latest trunk and your branch, here is ITEM_P1826
svn co
svn co

4) Rebase your branch to latest trunk,you must know the ITEM_P1826 created version from trunk(117612), the latest trunk version(117928), and the ITEM_P1826 rebase version(117939)
a: cd /extra/trxc47/ITEM_P1826
b: svn merge -r 117612:117928
c: svn st
d: verify the c result and without conflics(C in the first line of the file)
e: svn ci -m "Rebase to trunk 117928.(MERGE -r 117612:117928"
svn ci -m "Rebased to trunk@194872, MERGE( r193370: r194872,"

Notes: if there any conflict in b step, you must change the conflic file(xxx) code  and run the command: svn resolved xxx to remove conflic
冲突解决后: svn resolved xxx 
查找冲突:  svn st | grep "C "
revert掉所有修改/rebase的文件: svn revert -R *    之后要用svn-clean

清理掉所有非svn 文件: svn-clean

 $svn st | grep "C "
!     C patches
      C applications/3pp/ekioh-webkit/proprietary/patches/use_clipped_blits.patch
      C applications/3pp/ekioh-webkit/proprietary/patches/ektimer.patch
      C applications/3pp/ekioh-webkit/proprietary/patches/busyloop.patch
      C applications/3pp/ekioh-webkit/opensource/patches/fix_is_plugin_view.patch
$ svn info patches   查看冲突信息
$ svn info applications/3pp/ekioh-webkit/proprietary/patches/use_clipped_blits.patch  查看冲突信息


5) Queue a build of ITEM_P1826 with high priority(9 is the highest now, it's better use fedora 10 and 11 build server now), and wait it building OK

6) Test your item function and smoke test related functions with the bootimage of ITEM_P1826 after rebase.

7) Merge ITEM_P1826 back to trunk and remember the merge back version(117940)
a: cd /extra/trxc47/trunk
b: svn merge
c: svn ci -m "ITEM:P1826(set /etc/TZ through kreatv-option-tz for uclibc)merge back to trunk. Merge( )"  hal/iips/options/  products/ip-stb/boot_image/vip2262ft

Note: in step c, it is better to just merge back the foler(here is hal/iips/options/ and products/ip-stb/boot_image/vip2262ft) your changed to trunk, as this will avoid changing other unrelated folder by mistake and unused merge info.

And if you want to change the commited merge comments, use the merge back version(117940):
a:export SVN_EDITOR=vi && svn propedit --revprop svn:log -r 117940
b:edit the merge commit info, save and exit vi

8) Remove your merge item in wiki queue, if not only your one, it's better to change the order after yours

BUGZ:13861 Fixed.  DLNA: It takes up to 10 seconds for lpcm audio to start after pause play

revert all svn changed file and directory.
 svn st | grep M | xargs svn revert



AAAA  merge info

I think it may have something to do with mergeinfo.
Running:svn pg -r195041 svn:mergeinfo $BSG/branches/DEV_telia42_overblue | grep /trunk:Gives:/bsg/trunk:188473-194872
This means that any revisions of a merge from trunk in the interval 188473-194872 will be skipped,if you have checked out a revision after the r194901 rebase.If you instead, like Heidi, check out a revision like r194894 which is prior to the merge, the r193370:r194872 revisions will not be skipped when merging.So the only problem was in the rebase, somehow the mergeinfo was correctly updated, but some directories and files were not.

Hi,I run #svn pg svn:mergeinfo | grep /BRASSICA:/bsg/branches/BRASSICA:149724-176907,177917-178282,178997-179883,180639-180669I think it should be a continuous interval here (if all revisions have been merged or permanently skipped)

Trunk entry checklist

Use this list to check that you have fulfilled trunk entry criteria. Details: look atMergeQueue.

  1.  KATT system level tests?
  2.  Rebased?
  3.  Automatic build?
  4.  Smoke tests?
  5.  KATT regression level tests?
  6.  Merge (details: check SvnMergeToTrunk)
    1.  Changed makesystem or common/kattscripts externals?
    2.  Only changed your files? svn st |grep -v " M"
    3.  Only your changes? svn diff |filter-mergeinfo
    4.  No replaced files? svn status | grep '^R'
    5.  Commit message with new functionality, fixed/known bugs (BUGZ:xxxxx), items (ITEM:Pxxxxx) and merge points inMERGE() syntax.
  7.  Step out of queue.
  8.  E-mail next person.
  9.  Deadwood.

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