


#002  NTAPI

#003  CreateDiskDeviceObject(

#004      IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject,

#005      IN PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath,

#006      IN PDEVICE_OBJECT PortDeviceObject,

#007      IN ULONG PortNumber,

#008      IN PULONG DeviceCount,

#009      IN PIO_SCSI_CAPABILITIES PortCapabilities,

#010      IN PSCSI_INQUIRY_DATA LunInfo,

#011      IN PCLASS_INIT_DATA InitData

#012      )


#014  /*++


#016  Routine Description:


#018      This routine creates an object for the physical device and then searches

#019      the device for partitions and creates an object for each partition.


#021  Arguments:


#023      DriverObject - Pointer to driver object created by system.


#025      PortDeviceObject - Miniport device object.


#027      PortNumber   - port number.  Used in creating disk objects.


#029      DeviceCount  - Number of previously installed devices.


#031      PortCapabilities - Capabilities of this SCSI port.


#033      LunInfo      - LUN specific information.


#035  Return Value:


#037      NTSTATUS


#039  --*/

#040  {

#041      CCHAR          ntNameBuffer[MAXIMUM_FILENAME_LENGTH];

#042      STRING         ntNameString;

#043      UNICODE_STRING ntUnicodeString;

#044      OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes;

#045      HANDLE         handle;

#046      NTSTATUS       status;

#047      PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject = NULL;

#048      PDEVICE_OBJECT physicalDevice;

#049      PDISK_GEOMETRY diskGeometry = NULL;

#050      PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = NULL;

#051      PDEVICE_EXTENSION physicalDeviceExtension;

#052      UCHAR          pathId = LunInfo->PathId;

#053      UCHAR          targetId = LunInfo->TargetId;

#054      UCHAR          lun = LunInfo->Lun;

#055      BOOLEAN        writeCache;

#056      PVOID          senseData = NULL;

#057      ULONG          srbFlags;

#058      ULONG          timeOut = 0;

#059      BOOLEAN        srbListInitialized = FALSE;





#062      PAGED_CODE();


#064      //

#065      // Set up an object directory to contain the objects for this

#066      // device and all its partitions.

#067      //




#069      sprintf(ntNameBuffer,

#070              "//Device//Harddisk%lu",

#071              *DeviceCount);


#073      RtlInitString(&ntNameString,

#074                    ntNameBuffer);


#076      status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&ntUnicodeString,

#077                                            &ntNameString,

#078                                            TRUE);


#080      if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {

#081          return(status);

#082      }


#084      InitializeObjectAttributes(&objectAttributes,

#085                                 &ntUnicodeString,

#086                                 OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE | OBJ_PERMANENT,

#087                                 NULL,

#088                                 NULL);




#090      status = ZwCreateDirectoryObject(&handle,

#091                                       DIRECTORY_ALL_ACCESS,

#092                                       &objectAttributes);


#094      RtlFreeUnicodeString(&ntUnicodeString);


#096      if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {


#098          DebugPrint((1,

#099                      "CreateDiskDeviceObjects: Could not create directory %s/n",

#100                      ntNameBuffer));


#102          return(status);

#103      }


#105      //

#106      // Claim the device.

#107      //




#109      status = ScsiClassClaimDevice(PortDeviceObject,

#110                                    LunInfo,

#111                                    FALSE,

#112                                    &PortDeviceObject);


#114      if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {

#115          ZwMakeTemporaryObject(handle);

#116          ZwClose(handle);

#117          return status;

#118      }


#120      //

#121      // Create a device object for this device. Each physical disk will

#122      // have at least one device object. The required device object

#123      // describes the entire device. Its directory path is

#124      // /Device/HarddiskN/Partition0, where N = device number.

#125      //




#127      sprintf(ntNameBuffer,

#128              "//Device//Harddisk%lu//Partition0",

#129              *DeviceCount);





#132      status = ScsiClassCreateDeviceObject(DriverObject,

#133                                           ntNameBuffer,

#134                                           NULL,

#135                                           &deviceObject,

#136                                           InitData);


#138      if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {


#140          DebugPrint((1,

#141                      "CreateDiskDeviceObjects: Can not create device object %s/n",

#142                      ntNameBuffer));


#144          goto CreateDiskDeviceObjectsExit;

#145      }


#147      //

#148      // Indicate that IRPs should include MDLs for data transfers.

#149      //




#151      deviceObject->Flags |= DO_DIRECT_IO;


#153      //

#154      // Check if this is during initialization. If not indicate that

#155      // system initialization already took place and this disk is ready

#156      // to be accessed.

#157      //




#159      if (!RegistryPath) {

#160          deviceObject->Flags &= ~DO_DEVICE_INITIALIZING;

#161      }


#163      //

#164      // Check for removable media support.

#165      //




#167      if (((PINQUIRYDATA)LunInfo->InquiryData)->RemovableMedia) {

#168          deviceObject->Characteristics |= FILE_REMOVABLE_MEDIA;

#169      }


#171      //

#172      // Set up required stack size in device object.

#173      //




#175      deviceObject->StackSize = (CCHAR)PortDeviceObject->StackSize + 1;




#177      deviceExtension = deviceObject->DeviceExtension;


#179      //

#180      // Allocate spinlock for split request completion.

#181      //




#183      KeInitializeSpinLock(&deviceExtension->SplitRequestSpinLock);


#185      //

#186      // Initialize lock count to zero. The lock count is used to

#187      // disable the ejection mechanism on devices that support

#188      // removable media. Only the lock count in the physical

#189      // device extension is used.

#190      //


#192      deviceExtension->LockCount = 0;


#194      //

#195      // Save system disk number.

#196      //




#198      deviceExtension->DeviceNumber = *DeviceCount;


#200      //

#201      // Copy port device object pointer to the device extension.

#202      //


#204      deviceExtension->PortDeviceObject = PortDeviceObject;


#206      //

#207      // Set the alignment requirements for the device based on the

#208      // host adapter requirements

#209      //




#211      if (PortDeviceObject->AlignmentRequirement > deviceObject->AlignmentRequirement) {

#212          deviceObject->AlignmentRequirement = PortDeviceObject->AlignmentRequirement;

#213      }


#215      //

#216      // This is the physical device object.

#217      //




#219      physicalDevice = deviceObject;

#220      physicalDeviceExtension = deviceExtension;


#222      //

#223      // Save address of port driver capabilities.

#224      //


#226      deviceExtension->PortCapabilities = PortCapabilities;


#228      //

#229      // Build the lookaside list for srb's for the physical disk. Should only

#230      // need a couple.

#231      //




#233      ScsiClassInitializeSrbLookasideList(deviceExtension,

#234                                          PARTITION0_LIST_SIZE);


#236      srbListInitialized = TRUE;


#238      //

#239      // Initialize the srb flags.

#240      //




#242      if (((PINQUIRYDATA)LunInfo->InquiryData)->CommandQueue &&

#243          PortCapabilities->TaggedQueuing) {


#245          deviceExtension->SrbFlags  = SRB_FLAGS_QUEUE_ACTION_ENABLE;


#247      } else {


#249          deviceExtension->SrbFlags  = 0;


#251      }


#253      //

#254      // Allow queued requests if this is not removable media.

#255      //




#257      if (!(deviceObject->Characteristics & FILE_REMOVABLE_MEDIA)) {


#259          deviceExtension->SrbFlags |= SRB_FLAGS_NO_QUEUE_FREEZE;


#261      }


#263      //

#264      // Look for controller that require special flags.

#265      //




#267      ScanForSpecial(deviceObject,

#268                      LunInfo,

#269                      PortCapabilities);


#271      srbFlags = deviceExtension->SrbFlags;


#273      //

#274      // Allocate buffer for drive geometry.

#275      //




#277      diskGeometry = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, sizeof(DISK_GEOMETRY));


#279      if (diskGeometry == NULL) {


#281          DebugPrint((1,

#282             "CreateDiskDeviceObjects: Can not allocate disk geometry buffer/n"));


#284          goto CreateDiskDeviceObjectsExit;

#285      }


#287      deviceExtension->DiskGeometry = diskGeometry;


#289      //

#290      // Allocate request sense buffer.

#291      //


#293      senseData = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPoolCacheAligned, SENSE_BUFFER_SIZE);


#295      if (senseData == NULL) {


#297          //

#298          // The buffer can not be allocated.

#299          //


#301          DebugPrint((1,

#302             "CreateDiskDeviceObjects: Can not allocate request sense buffer/n"));



#305          goto CreateDiskDeviceObjectsExit;

#306      }


#308      //

#309      // Set the sense data pointer in the device extension.

#310      //




#312      deviceExtension->SenseData = senseData;


#314      //

#315      // Physical device object will describe the entire

#316      // device, starting at byte offset 0.

#317      //




#319      deviceExtension->StartingOffset.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)(0);


#321      //

#322      // TargetId/LUN describes a device location on the SCSI bus.

#323      // This information comes from the inquiry buffer.

#324      //




#326      deviceExtension->PortNumber = (UCHAR)PortNumber;

#327      deviceExtension->PathId = pathId;

#328      deviceExtension->TargetId = targetId;

#329      deviceExtension->Lun = lun;


#331      //

#332      // Set timeout value in seconds.

#333      //




#335      timeOut = ScsiClassQueryTimeOutRegistryValue(RegistryPath);

#336      if (timeOut) {

#337          deviceExtension->TimeOutValue = timeOut;

#338      } else {

#339          deviceExtension->TimeOutValue = SCSI_DISK_TIMEOUT;

#340      }


#342      //

#343      // Back pointer to device object.

#344      //




#346      deviceExtension->DeviceObject = deviceObject;


#348      //

#349      // If this is a removable device, then make sure it is not a floppy.

#350      // Perform a mode sense command to determine the media type. Note

#351      // IsFloppyDevice also checks for write cache enabled.

#352      //




#354      if (IsFloppyDevice(deviceObject) && deviceObject->Characteristics & FILE_REMOVABLE_MEDIA &&

#355          (((PINQUIRYDATA)LunInfo->InquiryData)->DeviceType == DIRECT_ACCESS_DEVICE)) {


#357          status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE;

#358          goto CreateDiskDeviceObjectsExit;

#359      }




#361      DisableWriteCache(deviceObject,LunInfo);


#363      writeCache = deviceExtension->DeviceFlags & DEV_WRITE_CACHE;


#365      //

#366      // NOTE: At this point one device object has been successfully created.

#367      // from here on out return success.

#368      //


#370      //

#371      // Do READ CAPACITY. This SCSI command

#372      // returns the number of bytes on a device.

#373      // Device extension is updated with device size.

#374      //



发送命令READ CAPACITY获取设备容量的大小,比如多少G数据可以保存。

#376      status = ScsiClassReadDriveCapacity(deviceObject);


#378      //

#379      // If the read capcity failed then just return, unless this is a

#380      // removable disk where a device object partition needs to be created.

#381      //


#383      if (!NT_SUCCESS(status) &&

#384          !(deviceObject->Characteristics & FILE_REMOVABLE_MEDIA)) {


#386          DebugPrint((1,

#387              "CreateDiskDeviceObjects: Can't read capacity for device %s/n",

#388              ntNameBuffer));


#390          return(STATUS_SUCCESS);


#392      } else {


#394          //

#395          // Make sure the volume verification bit is off so that

#396          // IoReadPartitionTable will work.

#397          //




#399          deviceObject->Flags &= ~DO_VERIFY_VOLUME;

#400      }




#402      status = CreatePartitionDeviceObjects(deviceObject, RegistryPath);


#404      if (NT_SUCCESS(status))

#405          return STATUS_SUCCESS;





#408  CreateDiskDeviceObjectsExit:


#410      //

#411      // Release the device since an error occurred.

#412      //


#414      ScsiClassClaimDevice(PortDeviceObject,

#415                           LunInfo,

#416                           TRUE,

#417                           NULL);


#419      if (diskGeometry != NULL) {

#420          ExFreePool(diskGeometry);

#421      }


#423      if (senseData != NULL) {

#424          ExFreePool(senseData);

#425      }


#427      if (deviceObject != NULL) {


#429          if (srbListInitialized) {

#430              ExDeleteNPagedLookasideList(&deviceExtension->SrbLookasideListHead);

#431          }


#433          IoDeleteDevice(deviceObject);

#434      }


#436      //

#437      // Delete directory and return.

#438      //


#440      if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {

#441          ZwMakeTemporaryObject(handle);

#442      }


#444      ZwClose(handle);


#446      return(status);


#448  } // end CreateDiskDeviceObjects()
