


     First there was a Navigator, then there was an Explorer. Later it was time for a Konqueror. Now it's time for an Imperator, the VIMperator :) 
     起先,出现了Navigator(网景),然后是Explorer(IE),接着是Konqueror(kde默认浏览器), 现在是Imperator(最高统治者)出现的时间了, VIMperator ..

   Vimperator is a free browser add-on for Firefox, which makes it look and behave like the Vim text editor. It has similar key bindings, and you could call it a modal webbrowser, as key bindings differ according to which mode you are in.

   Vimperator 是一个外观和行为有点像Vim编辑器的免费firefox插件,它跟vim有相似的键绑定,你可以称它为有模态的浏览器,因为它的键绑定在不同的模态下是不同的.


    Vim-like keybindings (h,j,k,l,gg,G,0,$,ZZ,<C-f>,etc.)
    Ex-commands (:quit, :open, ...)
    Hit-a-hint like navigation of links (start with 'f' to follow a link)
    Advanced completion of bookmark and history URLs (using regular expressions, and also searching in title, not only URL)
    Vim-like status line with a wget-like progress bar
    Minimal GUI (easily hide useless menubar and toolbar with :set guioptions=)
    Easy quick searches (:open foo will search foo in google, :open imdb terminator will search for terminator in the Internet Movie Database)
    Tab completion available for all commands
    Count supported for many commands (3<C-o> will go back 3 pages)
    Beep on errors (:set nobeep to turn this off)
    A comprehensive help file, explaining all commands, mappings and settings.

  这个插件装好后,虽然说跟vim键绑定差不多, 但还是需要一定时间的适应.另外这个这东东刚发布不久,问题挺多, 主要的问题有: javaeye的写博客, google的笔记等,不是用text 输入框的输入控件都有问题, hintstyle不好设等(我自己设了后,怎么也设不成原来的样式,后在在firefox配置目录中找到pref.js,找到其中的行删除了才行)

