STRUTS2.0 表单 AJAX 提交问题

JSP 页面是这样写的
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java"%>
<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%>
		<title>Validation - Basic</title>
		<s:head theme="ajax" debug="true" />
		<s:form id="aaaa" action="test.action" method="post" theme="ajax">
			<s:submit theme="ajax" targets="aaaa" />


DEBUG:  failed loading  /work/struts/dojo/struts/widget/Bind.js  with error:  [Error: 系统错误: -1072896658。
FATAL exception raised: Could not load 'struts.widget.Bind'; last tried '__package__.js'
DEBUG:  failed loading  /work/struts/dojo/src/widget/__package__.js  with error:  [Error: 系统错误: -1072896658。
FATAL exception raised: Could not load 'dojo.widget.html.Tooltip'; last tried '__package__.js'
DEBUG:  DEPRECATED: dojo.widget.Manager.getImplementationName Could not locate widget implementation for "bind" in "struts.widget" registered to namespace "struts". Developers must specify correct namespaces for all non-Dojo widgets -- will be removed in version: 0.5
DEBUG:  dojo.widget.Parse: error:[object Error]
