php+soap 入门

  1. 通过开放的webservice获取天气预报数据
  2. 代码
    $c = new SoapClient( '',
    array( 'trace' => true, 'exceptions' => true ) );//var_dump( $c->__getFunctions() );
    //var_dump( $c->__getTypes() );
    $pr =$c->getRegionProvince();
    //var_dump( $pr->getRegionProvinceResult->string );
    $scs = $c->getSupportCityString( array( 'theRegionCode' => '福建' ) );
    var_dump( $scs->getSupportCityStringResult->string );
    $we = $c->__call('getWeather', array( array( 'theCityCode' => 2210) ) );
    var_dump( $we );

  3. soapserver和soapclient简单实现
  4. soapclient
    * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
    * and open the template in the editor.
    $ss = new SoapClient( null, array( 'uri' => '', 'location' => 'http://localhost/soaptest/soapserver.php' ) );
    $header = new SoapHeader( 'zendHeader', 'mmcYY', '12345678' );
    $ss->__setSoapHeaders( $header );
    echo $ss->im8( 'gently' );

  5. soapserver 写道
    * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
    * and open the template in the editor.
    $ss = new SoapServer( null, array( 'uri' => '' ) );
    $ss->setClass( 't', '参数1', '参数2' );
    //$request = file_get_contents( 'php://input' );
    //file_put_contents( 'request.txt', $request );
    class t{

    function __construct( $p1, $p2 ){


    function im8( $g ){
    return 'OK----'. $g;


