

package com.newsicom.common.web.tag;

import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport;
import com.newsicom.common.constants.Constants;
import com.newsicom.common.domain.PdEmployeeInfoV;
import com.newsicom.common.domain.PdRegionMaster;
import com.newsicom.common.util.Util;
import com.newsicom.common.web.global.model.impl.RegionMasterMapImpl;

public class CompanySelectTag extends TagSupport {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
	private String cssClass;

	private String style;

	private String id;

	private boolean hasSaleFlg;

	 * 获取 hasSaleFlg
	 * @return hasSaleFlg
	public boolean isHasSaleFlg() {
		return hasSaleFlg;

	 * 设置 hasSaleFlg
	 * @param hasSaleFlg
	 *            : hasSaleFlg
	public void setHasSaleFlg(boolean hasSaleFlg) {
		this.hasSaleFlg = hasSaleFlg;

	public String getCssClass() {
		return cssClass;

	public void setCssClass(String cssClass) {
		this.cssClass = cssClass;

	public String getStyle() {
		return style;

	public void setStyle(String style) {
		this.style = style;

	public String getId() {
		return id;

	public void setId(String id) {
		this.id = id;

	private String name;

	 * @return the name
	public String getName() {
		return name;

	 * @param name
	 *            the name to set
	public void setName(String name) {
		this.name = name;

	public int doStartTag() throws JspException {

		try {
			PdEmployeeInfoV employeeInfoV = (PdEmployeeInfoV) pageContext
			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("");
			String orgFlg = employeeInfoV.getOrganizationClassify();
			boolean disabled = false;
			if (orgFlg.equals("02")) {
				// 只锁销售
				if (hasSaleFlg
						&& (employeeInfoV.getFuncIds().indexOf("1") >= 0 || employeeInfoV
								.getFuncIds().indexOf("3") >= 0)) {
					disabled = true;
				} else if (!hasSaleFlg
						&& (employeeInfoV.getFuncIds().indexOf("2") >= 0 || employeeInfoV
								.getFuncIds().indexOf("4") >= 0)) {
					disabled = true;
			sb.append("<select ");
			// 设置ID
			sb.append(id != null ? "id=\"" + id + "\" "
					: Constants.EMPTY_STRING);
			// 设置css
			sb.append(cssClass != null ? "class=\"" + cssClass + "\" "
					: Constants.EMPTY_STRING);
			// 设置名字
			sb.append(name != null ? "name=\"" + name + "\" "
					: Constants.EMPTY_STRING);
			// 设置style
			sb.append(style != null ? "style=\"" + style + "\" "
					: Constants.EMPTY_STRING);
			// 设置是否锁死
			sb.append(disabled ? " disabled " : Constants.EMPTY_STRING);

			if (orgFlg.equals("03")) {
				if ((hasSaleFlg && (employeeInfoV.getFuncIds().indexOf("1") >= 0 || employeeInfoV
						.getFuncIds().indexOf("3") >= 0))
						|| (!hasSaleFlg && (employeeInfoV.getFuncIds().indexOf(
								"2") >= 0 || employeeInfoV.getFuncIds()
								.indexOf("4") >= 0))) {
					Map<Integer, PdRegionMaster> map = RegionMasterMapImpl
					sb.append("<option value=\"\" ></option>\n");
					for (Map.Entry<Integer, PdRegionMaster> entry : map
							.entrySet()) {
						sb.append("<option value=\""
								+ entry.getValue().getSubCompanyId() + "\" >"
								+ entry.getValue().getSubCompanyName()
								+ "</option>\n");
			} else if (orgFlg.equals("02")) {
				if (disabled) {
					sb.append("<option value=\""
							+ employeeInfoV.getOrganizationId()
							+ "\" >"
							+ RegionMasterMapImpl
									.getSubCompanyName() + "</option>\n");


		} catch (Exception e) {
		return TagSupport.EVAL_PAGE;


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<taglib xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
	xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-jsptaglibrary_2_0.xsd"







<%@taglib prefix="nsc" uri="/nsctags-common-region-subcompany"%>
<td class=headerlabel width=94 align=right> 安装大区 </td>
            <td width=80 align=left>
              <nsc:RegionSelect hasSaleFlg="false" subcompanySelectId="installSubcompanyId" id="installRegionId" name="installRegionId" style="width: 100px" />
            <td class=headerlabel width=92 align=right> 安装分公司 </td>
            <td class=headerlabel width=110 align=left>
            <nsc:CompanySelect hasSaleFlg="false" id="installSubcompanyId" name="installSubcompanyId" style="width: 110px"/>	

