News on Internet

       Different people will offer quite different ideas about the

news on Internet.There are mainly two kinds of opinions.Many

 people assert that Internet news is valuable for   the    timely

report .However,others believe that news on Internet is valueless.

        Some may proclaim that news on internet can be read by

millions of viewers at the same time .They maintain such an idea

 web-page viewers can download news and read them at any time,

or read them on line .In contrast,the objectors think that internet news

 is not as objective as newspapers.They argues that much news on

Internet is not true at all.

       As i understand,the former opinion is right .on the one hand ,Internet

 news represents the trend of development in journalism,On the other

hand ,the news on internet is interactive .In conclusion ,i believe that

 internet news will become the most important source of information in the

near future.
