China Firm Will Control Lynas

中国仍在继续寻找投资澳大利亚矿业资产的机会。国有中国有色矿业集团有限公司(China Non-Ferrous Metal Mining Co.)已同意斥资2.52亿澳元(1.84亿美元)收购Lynas Corp.的多数股份。这是澳大利亚矿业公司同中国企业达成的最新一项交易。现金匮乏的澳大利亚公司不断向中国寻求资金,而中国公司对原材料一直保持旺盛的需求。中国有色矿业集团将以每股0.36澳元(26美分)购买Lynas的7亿股新股。Lynas说,这个价格比交易达成前该股的30日成交量加权平均价高出了53%。Lynas目前已发行股数量为约6.55亿股,中国有色最终将持有51.6%的Lynas股份。这家公司需要筹集资金建设一个稀土矿项目,其中包括西澳一座矿山的开发和马来西亚一个材料厂的建设。稀土矿物可用于玻璃抛光和陶瓷中。根据协议,中国有色矿业将通过中资银行为Lynas安排1.04亿美元优先贷款,帮助建设该项目。中国有色矿业还将在该项目的第二阶段再安排约8,000万美元融资。该交易需要获得澳大利亚和中国监管部门以及Lynas股东的批准。中铝公司(Aluminum Corp. of China)向力拓(Rio Tinto)投资195亿美元的计划可能将成为中国对澳大利亚的最大一笔投资。目前这个计划正在等待澳大利亚政府的审批。澳大利亚反对党自由国家联盟(Liberal-National coalition)上周五说,反对这项交易。反对党领导人特恩布尔(Malcolm Turnbull)说,这项交易不符合澳大利亚的国家利益,因为交易将使中铝公司能够直接插手力拓的管理,并拥有很大的影响力。不过,是否批准这项交易将由财政部长韦恩•斯万(Wayne Swan)决定,自由国家联盟在该交易审批方面没有发言权。中国五矿集团(China Minmetals Corp.)以12.1亿美元购买OZ Minerals Ltd.资产的计划经过修改之后,最近得到了澳大利亚政府的批准。不过,这项交易属于购买资产,而非控股。Ross Kelly相关阅读越南希望中国参与该国采矿业 2009-05-01中国五矿出价12亿美元收购OZ Minerals资产 2009-04-01力拓CFO:中铝的投资对力拓“完全有利” 2009-03-26 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年05月04日10:56', '601600.SH'));中国铝业股份有限公司(简称:中国铝业)英文名称:Aluminum Co. of China Ltd.总部地点:中国大陆上市地点:上海证交所股票代码:601600document.write (truthmeter('2009年05月04日10:56', '2600.HK'));中国铝业股份有限公司英文名称:Aluminum Co. of China Ltd.总部地点:中国大陆上市地点:香港交易所股票代码:2600document.write (truthmeter('2009年05月04日10:56', 'RTP'));力拓股份有限公司英文名称:Rio Tinto PLC (ADS)总部地点:英国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:RTPdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年05月04日10:56', 'ACH'));中国铝业股份有限公司英文名称:Aluminum Co. of China Ltd. (ADS)总部地点:中国大陆上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:ACHdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年05月04日10:56', 'LYC.AU'));Lynas Co.总部地点:澳大利亚(Australia)上市地点:澳大利亚证券交易所股票代码:LYCdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年05月04日10:56', 'OZL.AU'));Oz Minerals Ltd.总部地点:澳大利亚(Australia)上市地点:澳大利亚证券交易所股票代码:OZLdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年05月04日10:56', 'RIO.AU'));Rio Tinto Ltd.总部地点:澳大利亚(Australia)上市地点:澳大利亚证券交易所股票代码:RIOdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年05月04日10:56', 'RIO.LN'));力拓股份有限公司英文名称:Rio Tinto Plc总部地点:英国上市地点:伦敦股票代码:RIOdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年05月04日10:56', 'OZMLY'));OZ Minerals Ltd. (ADS)总部地点:澳大利亚(Australia)上市地点:美国场外交易粉单市场(Pink Sheet)股票代码:OZMLY

China continued to seek investment in Australian mining assets as state-owned China Nonferrous Metal Mining Co. agreed to take a majority stake in Lynas Corp. for 252 million Australian dollars (US$184 million).The deal is the latest in which a cash-strapped Australian mining company has turned to Beijing for capital as China seeks raw materials.China Nonferrous agreed to buy 700 million new Lynas shares at 36 Australian cents (26 U.S. cents) each. Lynas said the price represents a 53% premium above the 30-day volume-weighted average price of Lynas shares before the deal was signed. Lynas currently has about 655 million shares on issue. China Nonferrous would end up with 51.6% of Lynas.The miner needs funding to build a rare-earth-minerals project, which includes development of a mine in Western Australia and construction of a material plant in Malaysia. Glass polishing and ceramics are among the uses for rare-earth minerals.Under the deal, China Nonferrous would arrange a US$104 million senior loan for Lynas from Chinese banks to help build the project. An estimated additional US$80 million could be available for the project's second phase.The deal is subject to approval from Australian and Chinese regulators and from Lynas shareholders.Aluminum Corp. of China's proposal to invest US$19.5 billion in Rio Tinto, which awaits Australian government approval, is the biggest potential Chinese investment in Australia.Australia's opposition Liberal-National coalition party said Friday that it opposed the deal. Opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull said the deal isn't in Australia's national interest since it would give Chinalco 'direct management involvement and a high level of influence.'The decision rests with Australian Treasurer Wayne Swan, however, so the opposition has no say in whether the deal will be approved.China Minmetals Corp.'s US$1.21 billion offer to acquire mining assets from OZ Minerals Ltd. was recently approved after Minmetals revised its offer to win Australian government approval. That deal is a purchase of assets, however, not a takeover.Ross Kelly
