displays the contents of a gzipped or compressed file on the screen.
Syntax zcat filenames
Option or argument |
Function |
Filenames |
Specifies the compressed files you want to display. |
The zcat command does the same thing as gunzip –c. See also gzip and gunzip.
You want to see the contents of a gzipped text file called important.stuff.gz. Type
zcat important.stuff.gz
Ctrl + C – cancel; Ctrl + D - exit
<Esc>k displays the previous command that has been executed. User can press “k” more times to continually browse the sent commands.
On the contrary, <Esc>u will display the executed command that follows the displaying command.
< redirects input; > redirects output; >> redirects output and appends the information to the existing file.
who > users (output of 'who' save into users)
who >> users (output of 'who' append after users)
true > access.log (clean file)
echo '' > access.log (clean file)
wc -l < users (count the line of users)
|more - 'f' for forward, 'b' for backward, 'q' for quit, 'h' for help, '/' for search.
|pg - 'q' for quit, 'h' for help.
cat users | wc -l (ditto)
ps | sort (sort process)
Set the command/script running in the backend.
sort date > out &
nohup ksh /SAS/FTEND/sys/admin/pgm/sh/startMatnJobQ.sh 1>/dev/null 2>&1 &
stdin, stdout, 和stderr的文件描述符分别是0, 1, 和 2. 对于其他那些需要打开的文件, 保留了文件描述符3到9.
&>filename # 将stdout和stderr都重定向到文件"filename".
M>&N # "M"是一个文件描述符, 如果没有明确指定的话默认为1.
0<&-, <&- 关闭stdin.
1>&-, >&- 关闭stdout.
exec 3>> ${OUT}
exec 2>&3
exec 1>&3
UNIX programs can never, ever modify the environment of their parents. A program can only modify the environment that later will be passed to its children.
If you write a program that executes the cd command, that cd will be effective within your program - but when the program finishes, you'll be back in your original (parent) shell. To solve it, use . or source command.
The source and . command read a script file into the current shell instead of starting a child shell.
e.g. Add below statement in the xxx.sh
. ${TOOLSCP}/wsd_db_mst_ld.sh $1 $2
Dot directory: the current location.
Dot-dot directory: moves up one level, to the parent directory.
Slash: root
Same as Perl.
compare with Double quotes (“”), Apostrophe (‘’): 1 – can’t replace variable 2 – 反斜线不支持转义字符. 3 – 可以跨多行.
'' – Single Quote / Apostrophe, string no variable replacement
"" - Double quotes, string with variable replacement
`` - Backquote / Backtick, run the command, generate output as input
Option or argument |
Function |
? |
Any one of character. |
* |
Zero or more characters. |
[abc] [a-c] |
Either of a b c. |
[!abc] [!a-c] |
Neither of a b c. |
^x ^[abc] |
Start with x; start with either of a b c. |
x$ [abc]$ |
End with x, end with either of a b c. |
符号 |
含义 |
\0 |
匹配空字符(ASCII NUL)。 |
\NNN |
2 to 3 bytes of octal,最大值为\377。 |
\n |
匹配前面第n个捕获字串(十进制)。 |
\a |
匹配警钟字符(BEL)。 |
\A |
如果在字串的开头为真 |
\b |
匹配退各字符(BS)。backspace |
\b |
在字边界为真 |
\B |
不在字边界时为真 |
\cX |
Control Character, e.g. \cC for control-C, \c[ for ESC, \c? for DEL. |
\C |
匹配一个字节(C字符),甚至在utf8中也如此(危险) |
\d |
匹配任何数字字符 |
\D |
匹配任何非数字字符 |
\e |
匹配逃逸字符(ASCII ESC,不是反斜杠)。 |
\E |
结束大小写(\L,\U)或者掩码(\Q)转换 |
\f |
匹配进页字符(FF)。form feed |
\G |
如果在前一个m//g的匹配结尾位置时为真 |
\l |
只把下一个字符变成小写 |
\L |
把\E以前的字母都变成小写 |
\n |
匹配换行符字符(通常是NL,但是在Mac上是CR)。newline |
\N{NAME} |
匹配命名字符(\N{greek:Sigma})。 |
\p{PROP} |
匹配任何有命名属性的字符 |
\P{PROP} |
匹配任何没有命名属性的字符 |
\q |
do not look for special pattern characters |
\Q |
引起(消元)直到\E前面的字符 |
\r |
匹配返回字符(通常是CR,但是在Mac上是NL)。carriage return |
\s |
匹配任何空白字符。 [ \t\n\r\f] |
\S |
匹配任何非空白字符。 |
\t |
匹配水平制表符(HT)。 |
\u |
只把下一个字符变成标题首字符force next letter into uppercase |
\U |
大写(不是标题首字符)\E 以前的字符。 |
\w |
匹配任何“字”字符(字母数字加"_" )。 e.g. \w_ |
\W |
匹配任何“非字”字符。 [^a-zA-Z0-9_] |
\x{HEX} |
1 to 2 bytes hex. If use {} then no limit to bytes of hex, may for Unicode. |
\X |
匹配Unicode里的”组合字符序列“字串。 |
\z |
只有在字串结尾时为真 |
\Z |
在字串结尾或者在可选的换行符之前为真。 |
Home directory. e.g. echo $HOME |
User ID. |
Which directories to search and the searched order. |
C shell (sh) or Korn shell (ksh). |
set |
Just type ‘set’ to check all. |
0 match
1 no match
>1 syntax error or file was inaccessible