Interaction and Visual Design the Android way

How to Marry Interaction and Visual Design the Android way

My goal today
Help you use the Android framework to enable richer user
experiences when building your application.

What we're going to explore together today...
1.Framework Structure & Flow
—Five things that make use unique
a.Multi-tasking supported by backgroud processing. 
b.Ongoing and event-driven notifications.
c.Real-time data views through widgets and live folders.
d.Any application can pick and choose which intents they want to take.
e.Use the hooks,re-use of components from intents is easy.

2.Framework Basics
—Hardware & Software
—Portrait & Landscape
—Focus & Menus
3.Onscreen Behavior
—Bringing screens to life with what we offer
—Expected interactions & unexpected delight
—The 20% test
—Tips and Tricks
5.What our plans are for the future
