Apple Unveils Upgrades For Iphone Software

苹果公司(Apple Inc.)为那些开发和销售iPhone软件的企业推出了新工具,并完善了其网上销售平台App Store,后者出售供iPhone下载的软件。苹果公司称,App Store很快将允许iPhone软件的开发商出售面向订阅用户的软件产品。举例来说,游戏开发商可以藉此出售升级的游戏关卡,或者让电子书读者下载一套书库等。该公司还9个月来首次公布了对iPhone操作系统的重要升级,升级后的软件能使iPhone实现一些其竞争对手已经具备的功能。据苹果公司披露,最重大的升级是给iPhone操作系统增加了所谓push技术,这一技术将消除采用iPhone的即时短信功能和其他功能时会遇到的一大障碍,这些功能需要在iPhone手机关机时继续运行。苹果公司高级副总裁弗斯托尔(Scott Forstall)周二说, 该公司在推出此前已承诺提供的push技术方面有些“迟缓”。他说,为了推出这一技术公司不得不对iPhone操作系统进行改造,现在总算推出了。新的iPhone操作系统现在也支持点对点连接,这种连接能使手机用户彼此间方便地交换文件。Ben Charny(更新完成)相关阅读微软推出新版Windows Mobile操作系统 2009-02-17中国联通有望从5月起销售苹果3G iPhone 2009-02-10中华电信赢得苹果iPhone 3G手机在台湾的独家销售权 2008-11-17iPhone与游戏机打对台 2008-11-13 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年03月18日07:13', 'GOOG'));Google Inc. (Cl A)总部地点:美国上市地点:纳斯达克股票代码:GOOGdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年03月18日07:13', 'AAPL'));苹果公司英文名称:Apple Inc.总部地点:美国上市地点:纳斯达克股票代码:AAPL

Apple Inc. rolled out new tools for developers that build and sell iPhone programs, and revamped its online App Store, which sells iPhone software downloads.Apple said its App Store will soon let developers sell subscription-based software products. This would allow, for instance, a game maker to sell updated scenarios, or an e-book reader to include a library of books as well.The Cupertino, Calif.-based company also unveiled the first major upgrade to its iPhone operating system in nine months, introducing software that allows the device to perform some of the functions its competitors already can.The biggest change Apple disclosed is the addition of something called 'push' technology, which solves a major issue slowing adoption of iPhone instant messaging and other applications that need to run when the iPhone is off.Apple Senior Vice President Scott Forstall said Tuesday that Apple, which had promised 'push' some time ago, was 'late' in delivering it. 'We had to rebuild the software to do it,' he added. 'Here it finally is.'The new iPhone operating system also now supports peer-to-peer connections, which lets users easily swap files with each other.Ben Charny

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