AIG Execs Will Return Over $30M Of Bonuses

纽约州总检察长库莫(Andrew Cuomo)周一晚间说,美国国际集团(American International Group)金融产品部拿到奖金的20名员工中已有15人同意退回奖金,总额超过3,000万美元现金。该部共发放了1.65亿美元的留用奖。库莫说,在这1.65亿美元引起争议的奖金中,有大约8,000万美元(占总额47%)发给了美籍人士。库莫希望能将这部分奖金收回给AIG。他还说,一些不在他管辖权范围内的非美国籍人也归还了奖金。库莫说,他办公室的工作人员正在分别与AIG管理层和奖金获得者个人商谈退回奖金的事。库莫在一个电话会议上说,“我为退回奖金的所有AIG员工鼓掌,他们做了正确的事。”他还说,他不认为公布退回奖金的人员名单符合公众利益。他还承认,退回这笔钱对该部门的许多人来说是个困难的决定,他们并未参与设计导致AIG几近崩溃的那些问题交易。财政部长盖特纳(Timothy Geithner)准备周二在国会一个听证会上作证。许多人认为,这次听证会的内容将集中于奥巴马政府对AIG本月早些时候发放1.65亿美元留用奖金一事究竟知道多少。AIG在一份声明中说,“金融产品部绝大多数高级管理人员表示愿意退回他们最近获得的留用奖金,对此我们非常满意。”该公司表示,金融产品部员工在继续工作以结束该部的业务。据一位知情人士称,该部有不到20名员工辞职。一位发言人表示,公司相信“这种情况在可以解决的范围内。”库莫办公室人说,截至目前,AIG金融产品部员工已同意退回大约5,000万美元奖金。Liz Rappaport相关阅读奖金税是个蠢主意 2009-03-24美国三大银行CEO批评奖金税法案 2009-03-23美众议院通过奖金税法案 附加税高达90% 2009-03-20AIG奖金事件的教训 2009-03-20向奖金开炮 2009-03-20 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年03月24日10:28', 'AIG'));美国国际集团英文名称:American International Group Inc.总部地点:美国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:AIG

New York state's attorney general, Andrew Cuomo, said late Monday that 15 of the top 20 recipients of $165 million in retention bonuses from American International Group Inc.'s Financial Products unit have agreed to give back their bonuses -- amounting to in excess of $30 million in cash.Of the $165 million in controversial bonuses, 47%, or about $80 million of it, was given to Americans, Mr. Cuomo said. He is aiming to recoup that amount for AIG. He added that some non-Americans, beyond the reach of his jurisdiction, have returned their bonuses. Mr. Cuomo said his office is working both with AIG executives and with individual bonus recipients to get back money.'I applaud all the AIG employees that are returning the bonuses,' Mr. Cuomo said in a conference call. 'They are doing the right thing.' He added that he sees no public interest in disclosing the names of people who return their bonuses, and he acknowledged that returning the money is a difficult decision for many people in the unit who weren't involved in devising the problematic transactions that helped topple AIG.The details come as Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner prepares to testify at a hearing in Congress on Tuesday that many expect will focus heavily on the administration's knowledge of AIG's payment of $165 million of retention bonus payments earlier this month.'We are deeply gratified that a vast majority of FP's senior leadership have expressed a willingness to forsake their recent retention payments,' AIG said in a statement. The company said the FP unit's employees continue to work to wind down the unit's business.Some people at the unit -- fewer than 20 -- resigned, according to a person familiar with the situation. A spokeswoman said the company believes 'this situation is manageable.'Mr. Cuomo's office says AIG FP employees have agreed to return about $50 million in bonuses thus far.Liz Rappaport
