CEO Pay Sinks Along With Profits

由于公司利润下降导致奖金减少,首席执行长薪酬大幅增加的势头2008年出现了逆转。Associated Press美国银行CEO刘易斯是降薪幅度最大的高管根据管理咨询公司Hay Group为《华尔街日报》所做的分析,美国200家大公司首席执行长的工资和奖金中值下降了8.5%,至224万美元。这份分析报告调查的是年收入超过50亿美元的公司的委托书。包括股票股票期权和其他长期激励的价值在内,CEO的直接薪酬中值为756万美元,下降了3.4%。这是近7年内的第一次下降,也是《华尔街日报》1989年开始跟踪CEO薪酬以来的第二次下降。虽然CEO的工资中值增长了4.5%,但奖金下跌了10.9%,利润的降幅中值为5.8%。CEO薪酬的下降是由于美国经济陷入了二战以来最严重的衰退,股市也经历了大萧条以来最大幅度的下跌。公众对接受美国政府救助的金融机构高管的薪酬越来越感到愤怒,这导致华尔街紧缩了支出,并对高管薪酬进行了更严格的限制。互动图表:薪酬最高的CEO们下图列出了《华尔街日报》高管薪酬调查的结果。一起来看看哪些公司的高管拿得最多。这些抗议和规定的作用有限。赠股与2007年相比变化不大,而它约占CEO收入的三分之二。大部分股权都是在2008年初股市大幅下跌前授予的,这意味着CEO薪酬的价值到年底时可能出现了进一步的下降。银行和经纪机构CEO的薪酬降幅更大,这些公司长期以来都属于薪酬最高的公司之列。金融业CEO年度现金收入的中值下降了43%,至97.6万美元。直接总薪酬中值为760万美元,下降了14.2%。今年,高管薪酬可能面临更大的压力。许多公司已经宣布减薪计划,这意味着CEO薪酬可能连续第二年下降。特拉华大学商学院温伯格公司治理中心负责人埃尔森(Charles Elson)说,CEO薪酬正处于历史性的转折点。其它方面的变数就更大了。尽管面临严厉的批评,高管人员的福利依然很多。Joann S. Lublin相关阅读薪酬最高的CEO们 2009-04-03瓦格纳可能拿着两千多万走出通用 2009-03-31美国会奖金税法案震撼华尔街 2009-03-20花旗提名四位新董事  披露潘伟迪薪酬 2009-03-17美林的千万年薪高管们 2009-03-04

The robust rise of CEO pay reversed in 2008 as shrinking profits led to smaller bonuses.The median salaries and bonuses for the chief executives of 200 big U.S. companies fell 8.5% to $2.24 million, according to an analysis for The Wall Street Journal by Hay Group, a management consulting firm. The analysis examined proxy statements for companies with more than $5 billion in annual revenue.Including the value of stock, stock options and other long-term incentives, total direct compensation for the CEOs dropped 3.4% to a median of $7.56 million. The decline was the first in seven years and only the second drop since the Journal began tracking CEO pay in 1989.While median CEO salaries grew 4.5%, bonuses fell 10.9% as profits decreased by a median 5.8%.The decline came as the economy slipped into its deepest recession since World War II and stocks suffered their biggest losses since the Great Depression. Rising public anger over compensation for the leaders of financial firms rescued by the U.S. government led to Wall Street austerity and stricter regulation of executive pay.The protests and rules had limited impact. Equity grants, which account for roughly two-thirds of CEO compensation, changed little from 2007. Most of that equity was granted early in the year, before shares plunged, suggesting that the value of CEO compensation may have declined further by year's end.CEO compensation decreased more sharply at banks and brokerages, long the source of some of the biggest paychecks. Median annual cash compensation for CEOs in the financial industry fell 43%, to $976,000. Total direct compensation fell 14.2%, to a median $7.6 million.This year, the pay backlash may have more bite. Many companies have already announced plans to cut, suggesting that CEO rewards may fall for a second year in a row.'We are at a historic turning point in CEO compensation,' says Charles Elson, head of the Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance at the University of Delaware's business school.Others are less sure. Executive perks continue to flourish, despite searing criticism.Joann S. Lublin
