
  Training data consists of one or more utterances each of which has a transcription in the form of a standard label file.For each training utterance,a composite model is effectively synthesised by concatenating the phoneme models given by the transcription.

$HERest -A -D -T 1 -C config -I phones0.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S train.scp -H hmm0/macros -H hmm0/hmmdefs -M hmm1 monophones0

-T 1:显示算法动作
-I f:Load master label file mlf
-t :

SAGE: HERest [options] hmmList dataFiles...

Option                                       Default

-a      Use an input linear transform        off
-c f    Mixture pruning threshold            10.0
-d s    dir to find hmm definitions          current
-h s    set output speaker name pattern   *.%%%
        to s, optionally set input and parent patterns
-l N    set max files per speaker            off
-m N    set min examples needed per model    3
-o s    extension for new hmm files          as src
-p N    set parallel mode to N               off
-r      Enable Single Pass Training...
        ...using two parameterisations       off
-s s    print statistics to file s           off
-t f [i l] set pruning to f [inc limit]      inf
-u tmvwap  update t)rans m)eans v)ars w)ghts tmvw
               a)daptation xform p)rior used
-v f    set minimum variance to f            0.0
-w f    set mix weight floor to f*MINMIX     0.0
-x s    extension for hmm files              none
-z s    Save all xforms to TMF file s        TMF
-A      Print command line arguments         off
-B      Save HMMs/transforms as binary       off
-C cf   Set config file to cf                default
-D      Display configuration variables      off
-E s [s] set dir for parent xform to s       off
        and optional extension
-F fmt  Set source data format to fmt        as config
-G fmt  Set source label format to fmt       as config
-H mmf  Load HMM macro file mmf
-I mlf  Load master label file mlf
-J s [s] set dir for input xform to s        none
        and optional extension
-K s [s] set dir for output xform to s       none
        and optional extension
-L dir  Set input label (or net) dir         current
-M dir  Dir to write HMM macro files         current
-S f    Set script file to f                 none
-T N    Set trace flags to N                 0
-V      Print version information            off
-X ext  Set input label (or net) file ext    lab
