The Woman2

The Lord answered:“Not only can she think, she can reason and regotiate.”

The angel touched the woman's cheek....
“Lord, it seems this creation is leaking! You have put too many burdens on her.”?

“She is not's a tear” the lord corrected the angel .

 “What's it for?” asked the angel.

 And the Lord said: “Tears are her way of expressing grief, her doubts,  her love, her loneliness, her suffering and her pride.”

This made a big impression on the angel; “Lord, you are genius.
You thought of everything. The woman is indeed marvellous!"

 Indeed she is!

Woman has strengths that amazes man. She can handle trouble and carry heavy burdens.
She holds happiness, love and opinions.
She smiles when feeling like screaming. She sings when she feels like crying, crys when she is happy and laughs when she is afraid.
