Australia Delays Ruling On Miner Deal

澳大利亚政府周一决定,将中国五矿集团公司斥资26亿澳元(17.9亿美元)收购OZ Minerals Ltd.的交易审查期限延长。OZ Minerals Ltd.在澳政府做出最终决定前面临长达90天的等候期。负债累累的OZ Minerals警告说,如果中国五矿提出的收购交易未能获准,公司将有被置于破产管理的风险,现在公司必须说服银行允许其延长对逾11亿澳元的贷款进行再融资的期限。这笔贷款将在月底到期。OZ Minerals声称,澳大利亚外国投资审查委员会(Foreign Investment Review Board)通知说,交易审查将从3月24日起延期90天。得到政府支持的中国企业最近一段时间纷纷提出收购澳大利亚矿业资产,中国五矿提出收购OZ Minerals的交易就是其中之一。中国铝业也计划向力拓(Rio Tinto Ltd.)投资195亿美元,该交易目前正等待澳大利亚政府批准。OZ Minerals负责业务支持的执行总经理拉甫得(Bruce Loveday)说,审查延期对公司来说算不上最好的结果,因公司的贷款将在3月底到期。他说公司已经向投资审查委员会说明了尽快作出决定的重要性。中国五矿发言人拒绝置评。Alex Wilson相关阅读中国五矿收购全球第二大锌产商再添胜算 2009-02-28中国五矿收购全球第二大锌产商 2009-02-17 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年03月24日09:38', 'OZL.AU'));Oz Minerals Ltd.总部地点:澳大利亚(Australia)上市地点:澳大利亚证券交易所股票代码:OZLdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年03月24日09:38', 'OZMLY'));OZ Minerals Ltd. (ADS)总部地点:澳大利亚(Australia)上市地点:美国场外交易粉单市场(Pink Sheet)股票代码:OZMLY

OZ Minerals Ltd. faces a wait of as long as 90 days before the Australian government makes a decision on a A$2.6 billion (US$1.79 billion) Chinese takeover offer after a review of the deal was extended Monday.The debt-laden miner has warned it risks being placed into receivership if the takeover bid from China Minmetals Nonferrous Metals Co. fails, and it must now persuade its banks to grant it an extension on the refinancing of more than A$1.1 billion in loans due by the end of the month.OZ Minerals said Australia's Foreign Investment Review Board advised it that the review of the deal will be extended by 90 days from March 24.The Minmetals bid for OZ Minerals is one of a recent flurry of offers from Chinese Government-backed entities for Australian mining assets, including Aluminum Corp. of China's planned US$19.5 billion investment in Rio Tinto Ltd., currently being considered for approval by the Australian government.Bruce Loveday, OZ Minerals executive general manager for business support, said the extension wasn't the best outcome for the company given the deadline it faces on its loans at the end of March. He said the company had conveyed the importance of a quick decision to the investment-review board.A spokesman for Minmetals declined to comment.Alex Wilson
