U.S. Is Probing Pang's Investment Firm

知情人士透露,美国刑事和民事联邦官员正开始对背景面临质疑的加州投资经理彭日成(Danny Pang)旗下私人资本管理公司保盛丰(PEM Group)进行调查。民事调查方面,保盛丰一位前总裁的律师贝尼斯(Jeffrey Benice)表示,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)洛杉矶办事处已经与他进行了接洽。他说,计划下周初与有关官员进行会面。SEC一位官员拒绝对此发表评论。据知情人士透露,美国联邦刑事调查人员也在关注着保盛丰。美国洛杉矶检察官办公室的一位发言人没有对此置评,美国联邦调查局(FBI)洛杉矶部门的一位发言人也没有对此发表评论。保盛丰是《华尔街日报》本周一篇报导的关注重点。这篇报导称,彭日成的学历以及他声称曾效力摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的工作经历都无法得到证实。文章援引那位被解职的保盛丰前总裁的话,详细报导了保盛丰或彭日成的涉嫌不当行为。保盛丰对此予以否认,称许多说法都纯属捏造,并表示彭日成的背景没有问题。保盛丰表示,公司管理着40亿美元资产;其中大部分都筹自于现年42岁的彭日成的出生地台湾。保盛丰的投资领域包括公司债分时度假房产以及折扣购入人寿保险等美国资产。Mark Maremont / John R. Emshwiller / Rick Carew相关阅读保盛丰董事长兼CEO彭日成卸任 2009-04-17中信前董事长王军美国投资伙伴卷入骗局门 2009-04-17

Federal criminal and civil officials are starting to investigate a firm run by Danny Pang, a California money manager whose credentials have been called into question, according to people familiar with the matter.On the civil front, an attorney for a former president of Mr. Pang's firm, Private Equity Management Group Inc., or PEMGroup, said he has been contacted by the Securities and Exchange Commission's Los Angeles office. The lawyer, Jeffrey Benice, said he plans to meet with officials early next week. An SEC official declined to comment.Federal criminal investigators are also looking at PEMGroup, said someone familiar with that matter. A spokesman for the U.S. attorney's office in Los Angeles didn't have any comment, nor did a spokeswoman for the Federal Bureau of Investigation's L.A. office.PEMGroup was the focus of a Wall Street Journal article this week that said Mr. Pang's academic degrees and claim to have worked at Morgan Stanley couldn't be verified. The article detailed allegations of improper behavior by PEMGroup or Mr. Pang, some leveled by the former PEMGroup president, who had been fired.PEMGroup denied the allegations, calling many of them 'fabrications,' and said Mr. Pang stands by his credentials.PEMGroup, which has said it manages $4 billion, raised most of its funds in Taiwan, where Mr. Pang, 42, was born. The firm invests in U.S. assets such as company debt, time-share properties and life-insurance policies bought at discount.Mark Maremont / John R. Emshwiller / Rick Carew
