
Tomcat6环境JBPM4.3报错:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: de.odysseus.el.util.SimpleResolverRequirements

JUEL requires Java 5 or later.


I think I get same problem when trying to integrate JBPM4 into my app. And I find out why.
Because you're using Tomcat 6.0... The lib el-api.jar in %tomcat_home%/lib conflicts with juel.jar, which exists in %jbpm4_home%/lib.

juel: <http://juel.sourceforge.net/> You will find the 2 jars define the same api for javax/el/ExressionFactory.

The solution is that you use Tomcat 5.5 instead of Tomcat 6.0. Because tomcat 5.5 uses commons-el.jar (Tomcat5.5/common/lib)

Or you can still use Tomcat 6.0, but you must replace el-api.jar with juel.jar. And don't forget to remove juel.jar from your app lib(A duplicate import, if you don't remove).

Try it!
