package jadex.examples.blocksworld;

import jadex.util.SimplePropertyChangeSupport;

import java.awt.*;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;

*  A block in the blocks-world.
public class Block
//-------- static part --------

/** The block counter. */
protected static int counter = 0;

//-------- attributes --------

/** The number of the block. */
protected int number;

/** The color of the block. */
protected Color color;

/** The block where this block is located on. */
protected Block lower;

/** The block located on upper of this block. */
protected Block upper;

/** The helper object for bean events. */
public SimplePropertyChangeSupport pcs;

/** The x translation for drawing (0-1). */
protected double dx;

/** The y translation for drawing (0-1). */
protected double dy;

//-------- constructors --------

*  Create a new block.
*  @param color The color of the block.
*  @param lower The block where this block is located on.
public Block(Color color, Block lower)
this(++counter, color, lower);

*  Create a new block.
*  @param number The number of the block.
*  @param color The color of the block.
*  @param lower The block where this block is located on.
public Block(int number, Color color, Block lower)
this.number = number;
this.color = color;
this.pcs = new SimplePropertyChangeSupport(this);

//-------- methods --------

*  Get the color of the block.
*  @return The color of the block.
public Color getColor()
return color;

*  Get the block where this block is located on.
*  @return The block where this block is located on.
public Block getLower()
return lower;

*  Check if this block is clear.
public boolean isClear()
return upper==null;

*  Move this block on top of another block.
public void stackOn(Block lower)
// Check if block can be moved.
throw new RuntimeException("Can only move clear blocks: "+this);
else if(lower==this)
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot move block on itself: "+this);

// Remove this block from old lower block.

// Move to new block.
// Check if there is space on block.
throw new RuntimeException("Can only stack on clear blocks: "+lower);
this.dx = Math.random();
this.dy = Math.random();

*  Set the lower block, where this block is located on.
*  @param lower The lower block.
protected void setLower(Block lower)
Block old = this.lower;
this.lower = lower;
this.pcs.firePropertyChange("lower", old, this.lower);

//-------- helper methods --------

*  Add a block to this block.
protected void addBlock(Block block)
Block old = this.upper;
this.upper = block;
this.pcs.firePropertyChange("upper", old, this.upper);

*  Remove a block from this block.
protected void removeBlock(Block block)
this.upper = null;
this.pcs.firePropertyChange("upper", block, null);

*  Create a string representation of this block.
public String toString()
return "Block "+number;

*  Check for equality.
public boolean equals(Object o)
return o instanceof Block
&& ((Block)o).number==number
&& ((Block)o).getColor().equals(getColor());

//-------- property methods --------

     *  Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
     *  The listener is registered for all properties.
     *  @param listener  The PropertyChangeListener to be added.
    public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)

     *  Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
     *  This removes a PropertyChangeListener that was registered
     *  for all properties.
     *  @param listener  The PropertyChangeListener to be removed.
    public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)

