actionscript :
In general, we will meet two problems here, one is when to
initialize the instance and the other is how to ensure thread-safe in
the multithread environment. Because Action Script 3 doesn’t support
multithread, so we don’t need to care the thread-safe.
Before we solve the first problem, we need to provide a global
access point for getting the instance. Of course, we don’t except the
users use the new operator to get a new instance. Maybe we could
change the constructor modifier from public to private. Eh, if you
really do so, you’ll get a complier error, because in Action Script 3, the
modifier of a constructor can only be public. So, we need to change our method.
If we can’t change the modifier, the constructor can be called
outside. One solution is we can throw an error in the constructor, just like below.
public function President()
if(president != null)
throw new Error("You shouldn't use the new operator!");
If there is already have an instance, we need to throw an error. If
not, let it go, and then we can get an instance.This is not a good way, but it works :).
Now, let’s come to the firstproblem. In general, there will be two kinds solution.
One is called early initialization , the other is lazy initialization . The first one
initializes the instance when the program first runs, and the other
initializes the instance when the getInstance () method called.
The code below shows early initialization. The instance will get
initialized when the class gets initialized.
static var president:President = new President();
public static function getInstance():President
return president;
The code below shows lazy initialization. As you see, after the
getInstance() method was called, the instance will get initialized.
static var president:President = null;
public static function getInstance():President
if(president == null)
president = new President();
return president;
Which way should be taken depends on your demand. Actually,
you’ll need to consider these two situations only when you using this
pattern to get a big object in the memory limit environment.
public class BallModelLocator
private static var modelLocator :BallModelLocator;
public function BallModelLocator()
if(modelLocator != null)
throw new Error("You shouldn't use the new operator!");
// (lazy initialization)
public static function getInstance() : BallModelLocator{
if ( modelLocator == null )
modelLocator = new BallModelLocator();
return modelLocator;
java :
public class UserService {
private UserService userService = null;
private UserService() {}
public static UserService getInstance() {
if(userService == null) {
synchronized(UserService.class) {
if(userService == null) {userService = new UserService();}
return userService;