





//create shape by ryan start ----------
	SHAPE_RYAN: 'ryan',
	SHAPE_STORAGE: 'storage',
                SHAPE_RECORD : 'record',
	SHAPE_TAPE : 'tape',
	SHAPE_HANDINPUT : 'handinput',
	SHAPE_HANDOPERATOR : 'handoperator',
	SHAPE_DATA: 'data',
	SHAPE_CIRCULATION: 'circulation',
	SHAPE_CARD: 'card',
	SHAPE_PREFLOW : 'preflow',
	SHAPE_INTERNALSTORAGE : 'internalstorage',
//create shape by ryan end ----------


//create shape by ryan start --------------------------------
mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultShapes[mxConstants.SHAPE_RYAN] = mxRyan;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultShapes[mxConstants.SHAPE_STORAGE] = mxStorage;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultShapes[mxConstants.SHAPE_RECORD] = mxRecord;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultShapes[mxConstants.SHAPE_TAPE] = mxTape;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultShapes[mxConstants.SHAPE_HANDINPUT] = mxHandInput;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultShapes[mxConstants.SHAPE_HANDOPERATOR] = mxHandOperator;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultShapes[mxConstants.SHAPE_DATA] = mxData;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultShapes[mxConstants.SHAPE_CIRCULATION] = mxCirculation;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultShapes[mxConstants.SHAPE_CARD] = mxCard;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultShapes[mxConstants.SHAPE_PREFLOW] = mxPreflow;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultShapes[mxConstants.SHAPE_INTERNALSTORAGE] = mxInternalStorage;
//create shape by ryan end --------------------------------


//create shape by ryan start----------------------------------------

function mxRyan(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth){
    this.bounds = bounds;
    this.fill = fill;
    this.stroke = stroke;
    this.strokewidth = strokewidth || 1;
mxRyan.prototype = new mxActor();
mxRyan.prototype.constructor = mxActor;
mxRyan.prototype.redrawPath = function(path, x, y, w, h){
	path.moveTo(0, h);//start from 
	path.lineTo(0, 0);// line to 
	path.lineTo(w, 0);// line to
	path.lineTo(w, h);//line to
	path.curveTo(w * 0.4, h  - w * 0.20 , 2.4 * w * 0.20, h + w * 0.20 , 0, h);// radian 

function mxTape(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth){
	this.bounds = bounds;
	this.fill = fill;
	this.stroke = stroke;
	this.strokewidth = strokewidth || 1;
mxTape.prototype = new mxActor();
mxTape.prototype.constructor = mxActor;
mxTape.prototype.redrawPath = function(path, x, y, w, h){
	path.moveTo(0, h);
	path.lineTo(0, 0);
	path.curveTo(w * 0.4, w * 0.20 , 2.8 *  w * 0.20, - w * 0.20 , w, 0);
	path.lineTo(w, h);
	path.curveTo(w * 0.4, h  - w * 0.20 , 2.4 * w * 0.20, h + w * 0.20 , 0, h);

function mxStorage(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth){
	this.bounds = bounds;
	this.fill = fill;
	this.stroke = stroke;
	this.strokewidth = strokewidth || 1;
mxStorage.prototype = new mxActor();
mxStorage.prototype.constructor = mxActor;
mxStorage.prototype.redrawPath = function(path, x, y, w, h){
	path.moveTo(0, 0);
	path.curveTo(0, 0, -0.26 * w, 0.50 * h, 0, h);
	path.lineTo(w, h);
	path.curveTo(w, h, 0.74 * w, 0.50 * h, w, 0);
	path.lineTo(w, 0);

function mxRecord(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth){
   	this.bounds = bounds;
    	this.fill = fill;
    	this.stroke = stroke;
    	this.strokewidth = strokewidth || 1;
mxRecord.prototype = new mxActor();
mxRecord.prototype.constructor = mxActor;
mxRecord.prototype.redrawPath = function(path, x, y, w, h){
	path.moveTo(0, 0);
	path.curveTo(0, 0, -0.26 * w, 0.50 * h, 0, h);
	path.lineTo(w, h);
	path.curveTo(w, h, 0.74 * w, 0.50 * h, w, 0);
	path.curveTo(w, 0, 1.24 * w, 0.50 * h, w, h);
	path.curveTo(w, h, 0.74 * w, 0.50 * h, w, 0);

function mxHandInput(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth){
    	this.bounds = bounds;
    	this.fill = fill;
    	this.stroke = stroke;
    	this.strokewidth = strokewidth || 1;
mxHandInput.prototype = new mxActor();
mxHandInput.prototype.constructor = mxActor;
mxHandInput.prototype.redrawPath = function(path, x, y, w, h){
	path.moveTo(0, h/2);
	path.lineTo(0, h);
	path.lineTo(w, h);
	path.lineTo(w, 0);

function mxHandOperator(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth){
    	this.bounds = bounds;
   	this.fill = fill;
    	this.stroke = stroke;
    	this.strokewidth = strokewidth || 1;
mxHandOperator.prototype = new mxActor();
mxHandOperator.prototype.constructor = mxActor;
mxHandOperator.prototype.redrawPath = function(path, x, y, w, h){
	path.moveTo(0, 0);
	path.lineTo(w * 0.25, h);
	path.lineTo(w * 0.75, h);
	path.lineTo(w, 0);

function mxData(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth){
    	this.bounds = bounds;
    	this.fill = fill;
    	this.stroke = stroke;
    	this.strokewidth = strokewidth || 1;
mxData.prototype = new mxActor();
mxData.prototype.constructor = mxActor;
mxData.prototype.redrawPath = function(path, x, y, w, h){
	path.moveTo(w * 0.125, 0);
	path.lineTo(-w * 0.125, h);
	path.lineTo(w * 0.875, h);
	path.lineTo(w * 1.125, 0);

function mxCirculation(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth){
    	this.bounds = bounds;
    	this.fill = fill;
    	this.stroke = stroke;
    	this.strokewidth = strokewidth || 1;
mxCirculation.prototype = new mxActor();
mxCirculation.prototype.constructor = mxActor;
mxCirculation.prototype.redrawPath = function(path, x, y, w, h){
	path.moveTo(0, h / 3);
	path.lineTo(0, h);
	path.lineTo(w, h);
	path.lineTo(w, h /3);
	path.lineTo(w /5 * 4, 0);
	path.lineTo(w /5, 0);

function mxCard(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth){
    	this.bounds = bounds;
    	this.fill = fill;
    	this.stroke = stroke;
    	this.strokewidth = strokewidth || 1;
mxCard.prototype = new mxActor();
mxCard.prototype.constructor = mxActor;
mxCard.prototype.redrawPath = function(path, x, y, w, h){
	path.moveTo(0, h / 3);
	path.lineTo(0, h);
	path.lineTo(w, h);
	path.lineTo(w, 0);
	path.lineTo(w /5, 0);

function mxPreflow(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth){
    	this.bounds = bounds;
    	this.fill = fill;
    	this.stroke = stroke;
    	this.strokewidth = strokewidth || 1;
mxPreflow.prototype = new mxActor();
mxPreflow.prototype.constructor = mxActor;
mxPreflow.prototype.redrawPath = function(path, x, y, w, h){
	path.moveTo(0, 0);
	path.lineTo(0, h);
	path.lineTo(w, h);
	path.lineTo(w, 0);
	path.lineTo(0, 0);
	path.moveTo(w /7 , 0);
	path.lineTo(w /7 , h);
	path.moveTo(w /7 * 6 , 0);
	path.lineTo(w /7 * 6 , h);

function mxPreflow(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth){
    	this.bounds = bounds;
    	this.fill = fill;
    	this.stroke = stroke;
    	this.strokewidth = strokewidth || 1;
mxPreflow.prototype = new mxActor();
mxPreflow.prototype.constructor = mxActor;
mxPreflow.prototype.redrawPath = function(path, x, y, w, h){
	path.moveTo(0, 0);
	path.lineTo(0, h);
	path.lineTo(w, h);
	path.lineTo(w, 0);
	path.lineTo(0, 0);
	path.moveTo(w /7 , 0);
	path.lineTo(w /7 , h);
	path.moveTo(w /7 * 6 , 0);
	path.lineTo(w /7 * 6 , h);

function mxInternalStorage(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth){
    	this.bounds = bounds;
    	this.fill = fill;
    	this.stroke = stroke;
    	this.strokewidth = strokewidth || 1;
mxInternalStorage.prototype = new mxActor();
mxInternalStorage.prototype.constructor = mxActor;
mxInternalStorage.prototype.redrawPath = function(path, x, y, w, h){
	path.moveTo(0, 0);
	path.lineTo(0, h);
	path.lineTo(w, h);
	path.lineTo(w, 0);
	path.lineTo(0, 0);
	path.moveTo(w /7 , 0);
	path.lineTo(w /7 , h);
	path.moveTo(0 , w / 7);
	path.lineTo(w, w / 7);

//create shape by ryan end ----------




//create shape by ryan 
	insertVertexTemplate(library, graph, '文档', 'images/ryan.gif', 'shape=ryan', 80, 60);
	insertVertexTemplate(library, graph, '数据', 'images/data.gif', 'shape=data', 80, 60);
	insertVertexTemplate(library, graph, '存储数据', 'images/storage.gif', 'shape=storage', 80, 60);
	insertVertexTemplate(library, graph, '直接数据', 'images/record.gif', 'shape=record', 80, 60);
	insertVertexTemplate(library, graph, '纸带', 'images/tape.gif', 'shape=tape', 80, 60);
	insertVertexTemplate(library, graph, '手动输入', 'images/handinput.gif', 'shape=handinput', 100, 50);
	insertVertexTemplate(library, graph, '手动操作', 'images/handoperator.gif', 'shape=handoperator', 80, 60);

