Boost 1.35发布

The TR adds 23 special functions (plus float and long double overloads) to header <cmath>. However, at present there is no Boost License compatible implementation of these functions, so these are unsupported by this implementation unless your standard library supports them itself.

* Asio: Portable networking, including sockets, timers, hostname
resolution and socket iostreams, from Chris Kohlhoff.

* Bimap: Boost.Bimap is a bidirectional maps library for C++. With
Boost.Bimap you can create associative containers in which both types
can be used as key, from Matias Capeletto.

* Circular Buffer: STL compliant container also known as ring or cyclic
buffer, from Jan Gaspar.

* Function Types: Boost.FunctionTypes provides functionality to
classify, decompose and synthesize function, function pointer, function
reference and pointer to member types. From Tobias Schwinger.

* Fusion: Library for working with tuples, including various containers,
algorithms, etc. From Joel de Guzman, Dan Marsden and Tobias Schwinger.

* GIL: Generic Image Library, from Lubomir Bourdev and Hailin Jin.

* Interprocess: Shared memory, memory mapped files, process-shared
mutexes, condition variables, containers and allocators, from Ion Gaztañaga.

* Intrusive: Intrusive containers and algorithms, from Ion Gaztañaga.
