View Full Version : Can a system be an actor in a use case?
07-18-2006, 01:43 PM
Ive read in a couple of posts that a use case can only have a human actor in it, is this true?
If you can not have a system, how would someone document an automated system using a use case?
07-18-2006, 04:35 PM
Ive read in a couple of posts that a use case can only have a human actor in it, is this true?
If you can not have a system, how would someone document an automated system using a use case?
Some people like to have systems as actors. However I prefer not to as the point of a use case is to provide a simple format for business users to diagram out the tasks that they do to accomplish their job. For systems I prefer to use a process diagram. However use cases can work fine for systems.
07-19-2006, 02:00 PM
Ive read in a couple of posts that a use case can only have a human actor in it, is this true?
Definitely they can be actors. I think the system in the use case is actually an actor. I have read conflicting things on this, indicating there is a split opinion on whether the system you develop is an actor or not, so I am sure some will disagree with me.
I also think you can have a user interacting with multiple systems in a use case. You can even have a user interacting with a system that interacts with another system. Though to achen's point, that isn't always the best way to format the information.
I think you can make anything an actor and you can describe anything in a use case.
The real question is - is this the best way to present the information? I think by trying to shoehorn this description of interaction into a use case, you are missing out on what they should be used for.
In other words, I totally agree with achen's post and don't really have anything original to add. :)
07-19-2006, 09:25 PM
Ive read in a couple of posts that a use case can only have a human actor in it, is this true?
If you can not have a system, how would someone document an automated system using a use case?
An actor is a role. Anything can play that role, whether a human, another kind of animal, or another system.
An actor is a role. Anything can play that role, whether a human, another kind of animal, or another system.
I agree with this but I think it is important to not use the use case method to describe the actions of all kinds of actors in all cases.
07-22-2006, 09:02 AM
Ive read in a couple of posts that a use case can only have a human actor in it, is this true?
If you can not have a system, how would someone document an automated system using a use case?
An actor is some entity outside the boundary of a system that interacts with the system for the purpose of accomplishing some valuable goal. So the "system" we're talking about cannot itself be an actor, because the system isn't external to itself and won't be interacting with itself in this sense. However, actors can be humans, other software systems, or hardware devices.
I agree that use cases are not always the best way to try to represent requirements. For real-time systems involving hardware devices, for example, an event-response table is often a better way to describe the system's behavior than trying to force-fit everything into a use case. Different kinds of nails need different kinds of hammers.
I think it's not wrong to describe external or even internal system but call this Agents and not Actors. After all, they are a part of your functional requirements.
That's your use case.
If something isn't part of an interaction with an external actor, no one will ever know whether it's implemented or not. That's why
- The system can't be its own actor. "A" system can be an actor, but not "the" system.
- Postconditions are evil. Any postconditions must show up in some use case (possibly as preconditions), otherwise there's no way to know whether they've been met. Anything else is sneaking design into the requirements.
One of the questions you need to keep asking is "is this really the requirement, or is it a presumed realization?" Leave design to the developers.
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标 题: 定时器在用例图里是不是一个角色?
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