OOP 概念的编程基础思想----我的感想

OOP 概念的编程基础思想----我的感想
(The essential of OOP concept Thought)

Actually the philosofy of object oriented programming is very simple. What is an object actually? Do you know? Don't think it to complicated,keep it simple. I think you do know, yet you don't realize it when you are perfroming OO programming job. Or Who know you know.

Like in the nature, object is actual what we call "THING". A car is a thing, a bird is a thing, you are a thing too!!!! Don't forget. Object, the thing, is madeup by its parts/components, just like you have a head,a body, two hands and two legs and your tiny thing to make baby. Ha Ha Ha Ha. To be a thing, one has character/propery, has a mean to perform actions,right? Since you have your character and you can move to do some things right. So I think now you get to realize something I want to tell you.

So just like in the nature,object oriented programming(OOP)is all this about like in the nature. An object instant has its propery and its methods to perform jobs to be done.An object belong to some kind, this is so call CLASS. The class is like a kind of group of things with similar propery and methods.

Like in the nature, object,thing can multiplicate themselves. Like you can make babies with the woman you "love" right. Your baby has something in common with you,yet not quite the same, he/she has its own character/propery and he/she growup to be someone with its own behaviour right. So this come to the essential, the foundation of object oriented programming:

1. Inheritant
2. Incaptulation
3. Polymorphism

This is the beauty of Object Oriented Software Engineering,the simulation of the nature, the world we are living. The simplcity of it, and actually we all know about. But unfortunately many C++ and other OO programmers seem to forget some what it is actually very natural and simple!!!! They think in the terms of technique, the syntax, the construction of loop statement,the selection,the branching of code,the constructor, the destroyer, memories allocation,and all kind of tricks in order to get his/her program done.

This is stupib,wrong attitude to become an object oriented programmers. They simply forget the essential,the thought,the foundation of Object Oriented Engineering!!!! So my advice is, keep it simple yet perform it accordingly with correctness. Think and imagine like in the nature.

Just like thing happen and behave in the nature. Nothing secret,nothing complicated. Think like the way it happen in the nature. If a C++ or OO programmer doing his/her programming the way I tell you as above. It will become much and much easier to create even very advanced sophisticated software based on C++ or other OO programming language. This is the way,I think the proper way to perform ones OO programming job. The simplicity,the nature is the beauty!!!!

Bernardus160 于荷兰 2001-11-12

Bernardus160 回复于:2001-11-15 07:46:45

OOP 概念的编程基础思想----我的感想
(The essential of OOP concept Thought)


同自然界一样,对象(物体)就是那些被我们称为“东西”的东西。汽车是个东西,小鸟是个东西,你也一样是个东西!!!!这一点你可不能忘记哦(雨飞谓: 除非你自己承认自己不是东西。^v^嘿嘿~~)。对象(物体)这个东西,是由它的各个部分(被称为组件)组合而成,就好像你是有头,身体,双手,双腿,和你的那个生小孩的“小东西”(雨飞谓:俗称“”)一样。哈哈哈哈。作为一个对象(物体),当然要有自己的特性(被称为属性),还意味着会有动作的功能,不是吗?就像你有你的独特性格和你会以你的性格去做一些事情一样。我想现在你应该意识到我想对你说些什么了吧。






