Operations map 运营图谱

运营图谱是定义了业务处理标准的参考指南。运营图谱模型描述了一个服务提供者所要求的、业务处理的全部范围,并定义了关键元素以及它们如何相互作用。运营图谱通常与基础架构库相对应,基础架构库是为最优秀的实践定义的类似标准或框架。 这两个框架都是“全面品质管理”(TotalQuality Management)的一部分,自1950年起,许多行业从中逐步规范化它们的业务处理和度量,以寻求更高的品质、更少的缺陷,以及更高的效率。

例如,国际标准组织9000(InternationalOrganization for Standardization 9000,简称ISO 9000)是电信业中“过程和结果改进”标准里面最知名的一个, 但它相对于增强型电信运营图谱(eTOM)和信息技术基础架构库(ITIL)都更一般化。eTOM大体上的归类分段是:战略、基础结构及产品和运营。

The operations map isa guidebook that defines the standard for business processes. Theoperations map model describes the full scope ofbusiness processes required by aservice providerand defines key elements and how they interact. Theoperations map is a common companion of InfrastructureLibrary (IL), an analogous standard or framework forbest practices. Both of these frameworks are part of the larger context of Total Quality Management,in which many industries have, since 1950, increasingly formalized theirbusiness processes and metrics in search of higher quality, fewer defects, andgreater efficiency.

For example, in thetelecommunicationsindustryISO 9000is probably the best-known of these "process andresults improvement" standards, but it is far more generic than eithereTOM (enhanced Telecom Operations Map) or ITIL(Information TechnologyInfrastructure Library). eTOM processes fall into three broad sections:Strategy, Infrastructure & Product, Operations, and Enterprise Management.
